
835 37 3

/TW/ Light Blood Gore

You kept to yourself for the rest of the day. Not many people wanted to bother you after what happened.

Some of your friends like Izuku and Kirishima tried but you shut them out.

During the lunch break, you went to the roof to try and calm down but you kept shaking.

You felt your rage eat up at you since last night.

After school, you walked by yourself but you didn't go to the dorms. You took a detour and walked to your office building.

When you got inside your receptionist looked up. "Hey Bunny..." she was cautious.

You stopped at her desk and entered the pin for the villain section of the building's elevator '11037'.

"She got to you again huh." she leaned in on the counter. You shook your head 'yes', feeling the tears ride up. "Awww Bunnyyy, come here!" she pushed her rolling chair back and held her arms out. You walked around her desk and hugged her. She petted your head as you lightly sobbed in the crevice of her neck.

"The wooden weapon prototypes you designed are ready if you want to test some out to let out some steam."

"*sniff* Do we have someone to test it out on?" you muffled. She nodded.

"David found some random pedophile."

You got up from her, rubbing your eyes. "Thank you, Salone, you could have the weekend off if you want, paid." you walked towards the elevator, she smiled and went back to work.

You went to the lab to see your new weapon designs. Three were in front of you, a dagger with splinters purposely carved in, sticky tree sap bombs, and a hand-sized controllable walking stick with spikes for legs.

You grabbed each and inspected for any problems when Lollie walked in.

"I was wondering when you were going to come in." He leaned against the wall.

"I can't with her Lollie..." you muttered while slightly sliding your thumb down the splinter blade then immediately moving it away to look at the blood drip on the table. You moved it to your mouth to suck on it. "They made this sharp sharp."

"Is this mentally ok for you to go back to? You can't just break stuff?"

"Dude, look at my leg, I have been shaking since I got here, before that even. I'm going to explode like I'm this close to-"

"Hey!" he knew what you were going to say. You sighed, picked up the weapons, walked past Lollie, and into the room the pedo was in.

"MHMM!" The man chained to a pipe on the wall pleaded for his life behind the duck tape.

"Sorry dude, I don't tolerate pedos." You put your headphones in and played a song connected to how you were feeling right now. 'Runner by Kevin Abstract'.

*a/n lyrics slightly changed to fit you.*

🩸starts here🩸

You picked up the splinter blade first and walked over to him. You crouched to his level.

You saw red.

"♪Cross my heart...let me be...♪" you sang as you held the dagger to his shoulder and slid the blade down his arm. Getting to his hand, you turned the blade to the side and swiped, letting the splinters dig into his knuckles. He screeched and shook around, eyes shutting tightly knowing there was nothing he could do anymore.

"♫Left in the found me...♫" a tear left both of you as you slowly stabbed through his fingers.

"♩'And bunny I'll be back when you're lonely if you want me to'...♩" you moved back a little to slide the splinters against his thigh before cutting it through his knee cap.

"♬My mom's don't know what's gotten into me since I've met you...♬" you stood up.

"♪And hold, hold...hold, hold...♪" you swayed back and forth the spot you standing, holding the knife to your chest.

"♫When am I gonna let go, when am I gonna let go? When am I gonna move on, move on, oh, ooh-ooh...♫" you reached over, nodding your head to the beat as you sang, and grabbed the walking stick, setting it on his stomach to walk around, piercing holes with each step.

"♫Why do I gotta let go? Why do I gotta let go? Why do I gotta move on, move on, move?♫" you reached over again to grab some sticky bombs and stuck it onto him.

"When you let!" as this line sang in your ears, you lit each sticky bomb wrapped around his another arm and leg with your fire. Little blasts separated the body parts and you shut your eyes as the deep red substance splatted onto your face.

"♪When am I gonna let go, when am I gonna let go? When am I gonna move on, move on, oh, ooh-ooh...♪" you grabbed his falling face tightly and made him look at you.

As the song's ending hummed in your ears, you licked your thumb and brought it down to one end of your throat, and slid it to the other end. That was called 'Death's Invitation.' You did it whenever you killed.

You grabbed the wooden dagger from the ground and slit his throat then used the hand holding his head to pull it off his shoulders. You stabbed the knife in the hole in his neck where his head used to be.

🩸ends here🩸

Tossing the head to the side, you threw your head and exhaled to the ceiling. Your red eyes faded and you were calm.

"Are you done?" Lollie turned from the corner, scanning the area.

"Lollie..." you turned to him, a single tear falling down your cheek.

" you turned to him, a single tear falling down your cheek

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"I wanna die."


After getting yourself cleaned up, you told your team that the prototypes worked and thanked them.

You walked home, feeling better than before now that you let out your negative emotion.

You opened the door to some classmates watching T.V., heads turned to the entrance. "Heyy!" Jiro waved and you waved back.

"Hi, I'm ok now by the way."

"That's good to hear, but are you bleeding? Do you need a bandaid?" She pointed to her neck. You swiped your finger on the area she pointed to and saw a bit of blood, your eyes slightly opened.

You jogged to the kitchen to get a tissue and wipe it off. "No no, it's nothing." you walked out and smiled at her before rushing upstairs. "Anyways goodnight!"

"But it's only 7-" she shrugged and went back to watching.

Bunny Rabbit ( bnhaxreader )Where stories live. Discover now