Sports Festival: Break

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Bakugou was carried out as his team came up to you.

"Y/nnnn how could you do that!" Mina whined. "How could you help me get here then take me out last second."

"Literally!" Kirishima and Sero added.

You laughed. "I'm sorry Mina, I did want to go head to head with you at the One v. One but Bakugou pissed me off this morning so blame him."

"Not going to lie, it was really funny." Shinsou snickered.

"I'll melt your dick off." Mina hissed then pulled you away from the boys. Shinsou stood in fear. Sero and Kirishima were used to it.


"So what's going on with you and Todoroki now?" she asked licking the ice cream you bought for her. You two sat near a wall outside the building while others were finding food to eat. Bakugou was just waking up from Midnight's scent in the nurse's office.

"What do you mean?" You ate your fries. You knew what she meant.

"From the obstacle course to the cavalry battle, from you saving him and him saving you, you guys being close, him winking at you, his arm around you, HIM KISSING YO-" you shut her mouth with your hand.

"MINA SHHH you're being loud jeez." you slowly took it off.

"What's going onnnn?" she insisted.

"Still nothing, we're really just friends!" you told her.

"That's very hard to believe." Mina pouted.

"What's hard to believe?" Todoroki said sitting down next to you.

"Y/n an- mmmm" you shut her up again. "Nothing, hey Shoto."

"Hmph. I'm going to go steal some of Sero's food." she got up and stormed off leaving you and Todoroki alone.

You ate a fry and then he spoke.

"Fire and Ice too huh."

"Huh?" you turned to him with a fry sticking out your mouth. He found it adorable. He leaned in and bit the other end, lids half-closed focused on your lips, then pulled away with your fry. Your body heated up as steam came out of your ears.

"Yum." he smiled. You stared at him frozen in place.

"Anyways I mean your quirk," he continued. "I knew you had ice powers during our training when you hit me, and then wings for the other night," he took more of your fries, you still stared. "But I found out today about your fire since you melted my ice and the ice from running on water, good idea by the way." he turned to you, hoping he was right.

"Oh." you were taken aback by his observations but decided to tease him. "Aww were you watching me, you thought about me that much huh~" you got closer.

"Yeah actually, a lot~" it backfired when he got up to your face, foreheads touching, he could feel the heat from your body rise.

He kissed you again.

He cuffed your cheek with his right hand and cooled you down while pulling you closer, then he separated. "Chill~"

You couldn't help but chuckle at his pun.

"But uh yeah, that's basically my quirk," you answered.

"Basically?" he questioned your word choice.

"I may have to fight you later so you'll see." you drank your water.

"Oh yeah, thanks for the headband by the way but you didn't need to."

Bunny Rabbit ( bnhaxreader )Where stories live. Discover now