After School

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You didn't go back to the dorms after school, you went to the office.

You busted open the door and skipped towards the desk. "Sup, Salone." a smile on your face.

She looked up from her work. "Nice hair, but why are you so happy?"

"I acquired some free time." she blinked.

"...You got detention, great-" she sighed.

"Hey, I didn't mean to get two weeks-"

"TWO WEEKS?! Y/n-"

"Isn't that good? I get to be here more."

"You need an education regardless of if it's a hero school or not."

You sulked. "We offer courses here..."

"You need a real, official, schooling experience." You rolled your eyes.

"Speaking of which, I haven't heard from Toi in a while, how is he?" Toi, the dumb, two-toned, three-eyed, drooling goblin from before. You sent him to start classes with the younger kids and Tokoon. It's been a while and you wanted to know his progress.

"He's been doing small regular orders like coffee and snacks for people around the building. He's out right now but you can talk to him later. I'll tell you went he comes back."

You smiled then tapped a beat on the desk before getting up. "Thank you!"


After getting out of the elevator, you went towards your office. The walls were cleaned from the attack which relieved you.

When you opened the door, the joy of being back at work, shrunk. "Hey, baby-"

"Don't call me that." you deadpanned. "Why is he here?" You looked at Hawks who was sitting next to Dabi.

 "Why is he here?" You looked at Hawks who was sitting next to Dabi

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He shrugged. "He wanted to talk to you so I brought him here." You sat in the chair in front of them.

"Ok, so what do you want?"

He leaned in. "I want work."

You grew confused. "Hawks didn't give you any?"

"I don't feel like being the hero's stepstool to fame."

Hawks crossed his arms. "He tends to go off script."

You looked between them. "Uh, ok, what do you wanna do?"

"Don't you give me something?"

"Not really. People come to me with something they want to do and I supply or help them. If I have work for you to do, then you have to do it but it's pretty rare... did you not read the contract you guys signed?" you crossed your arms, frustrated.

"No, that was for Shiggy to do." He brushed it off, shaking his head.

You signed. "Anyway, what do you wanna do?"

Bunny Rabbit ( bnhaxreader )Where stories live. Discover now