Chapter 1

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Year 854


You screamed out helplessly from the trenches, only to hold your breath once Colt dragged his limp body back to where you were standing next to Commander Magath. Your expression would of made someone think you had just lost your own child.

After Colt sets Falco down panting and sweating bullets, you let out a sigh and frantically grab the equipment needed to care for his head wounds. While doing so you  looks back at the blond, "Are you ok?"

"Is that supposed to be rhetorical", Colt says with a scoff while trying to catch his breath. "Right", you turn back to treat Falco's wounds.

"Well luckily it doesn't look like the cuts go too deep, Falco I'm going to need to you to talk to me, let me know that there is no concussion." You urge while looking down at the boy's blank expression. He looked as if he was somewhere else.

"What are we doing here?" he barely whispers only enough for the small group of people surrounding him to hear.

Your face went into shock as your thoughts started to run wild.

Oh My God! We lost him. I'm going to have to fill out so much paperwork for this. Not to mention the talk I will have to endure with his parents.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the little brown headed boy next to you who pointed and laughed at Falco.

"Hah! Falco, I didn't think you were that fucked up."

"Kenji, language", you said.

"Sorry", he tried to hide his giggle. It failed as you glared at him.

  Kenji, Gabi, Zofia, and Udo tried their best to help Falco recall the events of this war (that has gone on way to long in your opinion) while you finished with his bandages.

You couldn't get the last wrap around without Udo continues to grab onto your arm and blather on about the navy. Poor Falco having to endure the effects of this constant movement when feeling the bandages on his head gradually getting tighter to the point he was sure his head was going to pop.

  "Udo your making Y/N rip Falco's head off." Gabi shouted. Udo immediately let go and looked up to you with an apologetic face. You acknowledged his silent apology with a nod before you ripped the bandage off from the roll with your teeth and taped it to Falco's head.

  "Thank you Gabi, and sorry Falco", you said with a small smile while patting Falco on the head.

  You start to put the extra bandages and alcohol away and look over at Colt and Commander Magath who are in their own world deciding their next planned attack.

When you turned back  around, you were met with big ruby colored eyes and another pair of bright blue ones staring in an almost desperate plea. "You already know who the heir to the armored titan will most likely be right?", Gabi questioned.

  "Of course, she does, I even saw her doing paperwork, one page saying, 'The Armored Titan'," Kenji spread out his hands for dramatic effect.

"Obviously it is going to be me, I mean look at me. The unique brown hair, blue eyed wonder who will fight for Marley as one of the strongest and most attractive warriors. Why would they not choose me." Standing up-straight with both hands on his hips, Kenji announced his own introduction for what he believed the people of Marley would address him as.

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