Chapter 54

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Slight Lemon? (🍋)

Year 854

For the rest of the day, the main task was evacuation. You and Armin worked together to come up with the best way of getting woman and children out. You settled with the only option of two flying blimps. Since they weren't that many, every woman, child, and injured person were off to Paradise Island and allied countries including Azumabito, by evening.

You were back and forth with people all day making sure that everyone was safe, as the flying blimps were coming from those same allied countries to pick up anyone who was left that were willing to leave. Of course, many Marleyans opted out in staying, so many tents were built.

The second issue was food and water. There was no way the boats that were meant to pick up the remaining Maryelans that decided to stay would make it back in time with food carts, so you had to deal with a lot of upset people that weren't sure when their next meal would be coming from.

So, to fix that, one of the flying blimps that stayed on the small port that was there if anyone decided to change their minds on leaving, was used to bring apples and anything that can been heated with fire.

By the time you were done, it was almost past midnight. The one remaining tower was a space saved those who were in charge of the entire revamping. "I'm beat", you fall onto your back and close your eyes.

"Yea, but this is only the beginning", Armin sighs as he stood to get some water. He stood over your laid out form before asking, "Do you want anything?"

"I'm good thank you", you whisper. He nodded and walked out the door.

You haven't spoken to Reiner since the kiss and it was partially your fault because you've been avoiding him while keeping yourself busy. You weren't sure where he was but, you didn't think to much on it.

Until you heard heavy set boots coming towards you. Knowing who it was, you quickly jolted up and started to walk off somewhere else... anywhere you could. You were going to be stuck on this port and traveling to other countries for the next few years with him, but that didn't stop you from finding any possible way to avoid him.

However, once you opened the door of the room you were in someone blocked you from going anywhere. "Shit", you curse. Reiner stood before you, his arms crossed, and he rose his eyebrows at how reluctant you were.

"Armin said y'all are done for the day", he quietly says. You were avoiding eye contact with him as you looked down at his shoe.

But we're not?....... That little.....

"Yea, he may be... but I still have some stuff to do...... so, if you'll excuse me", you try and squeeze past him through the gap that he left open. He instantly moved over blocking you and backed you up to where he was able to shut the door behind him. You backed away till you stood a foot or two from him. His body heat still radiating enough to hit your skin.

Suck it up.

You look up, into his eyes and calmly ask, "What's up". You tried to maintain a passive face but, on the inside, you wanted to bolt.

"Are you really going to avoid me for the rest of our time here", he questioned. It came out as a tease as he chuckled and shook his head slightly. He made a bet with himself and gave you 10 minutes before you caved. Only one has passed and he could already tell that you would faulter in 5.

"Well let's see,", you squint your eyes at him to wipe that smug smirk off his face, "I told you I loved you, we made out, countless hugs and touchy gestures. Then you send me to the boat after telling me that what you really wanted in those woods was sex. I wanted to disappear from the earth after that.... thanks, by the way...... as if my life needed any more embarrassing moments to keep me up at night........"

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