Special 2

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As promised

Y/n not being mad at Reiner for a reunion

Annie walked out there and you watched her walk past Armin and Jean. You were not in the mood to be around other people. Still grieving with the people you had loss just moments before, you wanted to seclude yourself.

It was the only chance you had before the next battle. But as she continued you on, you watched her with annoyance, carry on a argument with Mikasa.

Just shut her up... then leave

That was your plan. Although it didn't turn out as expected. When you stepped out from the security of the thick forest, you scanned the small circle, surrounding the warm fire. Brisk enough that you hardly got a glimpse at who was there. Because you had an idea.

Meeting Amy's eyes you opened your mouth, until it hit you. Slowly directing back to the circle, you settled on one person.

Everyone at this point, those who had their back towards you hadn't seen you yet. But Kenji, Falco, and Gabi were witness to the realization that dawned on you. Magath even squinted his eyebrows catching you mid sentence.

You've learned to expect the worse. But in this case scenario, you were not prepared for the best. That's why you froze.

"Your-?", you said breathless; a light whisper under your breath. That is. At the golden eyes you locked on. A relieved smile was on his face as he stood. You were still in shock, after just coming to terms that he had died, having him stand in front of you was a lot.

"I thought-.", you started feeling a knot in you throat. He looked down, and before you could finish, he nodded not letting you continue on.

"Me too", relaying his concern that something happened to you as well. At this point you caught the attention of everyone sitting in the circle. But you didn't think about it. Your eyebrows with a tint of confusion and relief as well, before you felt his hand wrap around yours and direct you out to the very woods you came from.

Y'all didn't make it far until you were pulled into a tight hug. Still coming to terms, you sunk into his grasp.

"I thought I lost you", he mumbled in your neck. Hearing his voice made it true. You couldn't  find the right words, so you grabbed on tighter. "Are you okay?"

"Yea", you managed to get out. And you tried to hold him longer, till he forced you apart, to lift your chin.

You met his eyes, that is before he leaned down to meet your lips.

"No your not", he whispered, trying to gather your attention.  He guided his hands along your waist, and frowned as all you were looking at the was the fire slightly obscured by the trees. Taking that same finger, you felt it lightly touch you jaw to direct up to him. "What's wrong?"

  Faking a soft smile, you leaned in and gave him a soft peck on the lips. "Nothing."

And without letting anymore time pass, you reached down to grip his hand in your and walked out back to the fire.

  (Fast forward after Yelena exposes everyone :)

Your heart was beating so fast it forced a headache from the rush of blood. Your felt the eyes of multiple people on you from something you've been trying to keep secret your whole life.

A childhood that has shaped you into the person you've become today. Hard to express what you feel, in fear that those that you've loved and trusted the most will either die or turn away. Leaving you alone.

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