Chapter 19

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Year 854

You felt yourself slowly wake up, but you didn't open your eyes. As everything that happened last night hit you all at once and part of you dwelled in the fact that he literally confessed to you.

But also, you cringed at how vulnerable and emotional you were. It was out of your element but, something about him made you let loose and forget about the tight image you put on yourself ever since you got the position as a trainer.

Your hand moved a little you didn't feel his abs. Caught up in your own self- criticism, you looked over the fact that you couldn't hear his breathing anymore. You opened one eye and saw half of the bed was empty and the covers were drawn back.

He did not....

You shot up and walked out of your room. Oblivious to the fact that you were still undressed, your eyes met the one you were searching for. There he stood in your kitchen making coffee. His shirt was still off and he was in nothing but his boxers as he stared at you.

Well maybe not at your face, because his eyes roamed to every other part of your body until meeting your eyes. Out of relief you sigh, but then realized the situation. Without a word, you slowly turned around to head back to the room to put on some clothes, but before you even took one step. Arms wrapped around your waist and his head buried in you hair.

"Good morning", his voice was deeper than usual meaning he had just woken up too. You sighed once more and turned around, pecking his lips. "Hi" you looked at him.

He wasn't satisfied from that one peck, as you were about to turn around, he grabbed you face and gave you more of a deep, longer kiss. The sudden gesture caused you to moan into his mouth and as much as you wanted to continue this, you had to pack and talk with Magath about your plans.

You backed away from him and walked to your room and put on the first shirt you saw on the ground. To your luck it was Reiner's shirt and it reached down just to your thighs.

You didn't notice that he followed you, standing right outside of your bedroom door. He crossed his arms and leaned up against the side with his head down. "You told Porco before anyone where you were going."

You sighed, "He is just nosy, I planned on not telling any of you" you avoided eye contact with him feeling guilty for almost leaving Reiner in bad terms.

There was silence and then as if he struggled to find the next words, Reiner cleared his throat and shifted his footing. "Do you him" he asked and your eyes widened and you rose an eyebrow.


"Why would you think that....... Reiner we just had sex and your asking me about Porco?", you walked over to the other side of the door frame and stood in front of him. He still had his head down so you leaned down and tilted your head back so that he was looking down at your face.

His expressions looked as if he was terrified for your answer. You frowned and moved back waiting for him to say anything.

"Do you love him" he repeated.

"No"you chuckled through a sigh, "I mean yes, but not in the same way I lov-", you caught yourself before you finished that sentence.

His head shot up and looked at your face which was covered in shock. You relaxed and decided that you have said enough., "I don't love Porco."

He hummed in approval and moved to the kitchen to finish making his coffee. You watched him silently pour the dark liquid into a mug. His face still looked as if he was sad so you walked over and put your hands over his to stop what he was doing. "What's wrong"

Truth be Told  [Reiner x reader]Where stories live. Discover now