Chapter 33

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Year 854

You all made it to a place in the woods. You helped Hange set up a fire while Pieck continued to stay in her titan form just in case, Yelena and Onyakopon stuck together on the other side of you where Magath kept a good eye on them. Jean stood right next to you, he was tense, and you could basically feel him staring daggers into the nape of your neck.

  "You know I'm not a titan, no need to stare down the back of my neck.", you sighed and stood up. He turned away as soon as you made eye contact. You saw that his nose was slightly bruise from when you hit him, but not enough to notice at a far distance. He must have felt uncomfortable, so he subtly took one step back.

Might as well settle this.

You didn't want to have this conversation in front of everyone, so you walked to where you stood right in front of him again and tilted down to meet his eyes as his head was lowered a bit. "If we are going to work together... mind to tell me why you hate me so much. Or let's talk about why you hesitated on shooting at me back in Marley."

  His eyes widen and once again you found yourself being dragged by him. Far from everyone. It would have been nice if it was a mutual agreement but, no he just dragged you along until the campfire was out of sight.

  You heard Magath and Pieck call out to you, but Hange's voice followed. Something about he wouldn't hurt you.

  "Will you quit dragging me around!", you forcefully pull your arm back while he stopped. His back was faced towards you and his breathing was uneven.

"I tired of you being so levelheaded...." he whispered through his teeth. His hands were balled up in a fist. "You mindlessly shot many of our soldiers with no care. Then come here and do the same. All while you continue to crack jokes like this whole thing is a game!  I don't know much about you but I do know that you are a part of the reason Reiner did all of this...."

"...... You were the reason being so many deaths! Then you ask me why I hate you! Do you have any lick of empathy or are you like the rest of them. But worse, nothing about this whole ordeal is a sick entertainment act! So many people have suffered and-"

  You walked around to stand in front of him, leaning up against the tree. "Stop! First Eren and now you...jeez what is up with you people! Reiner made his choice... he didn't do any of this for me! Are you crazy or just a dumbass? You can't possibly believe that just because he mentioned my name a couple of times that his one main goal had anything to do with me."

" ..... You people are sick! If you knew the true reason behind this mess than maybe you would understand our side just a little. I have no time to explain to you the YEARS of generational trauma brought among Eldians in Marley. Or did you think that we were all living in happy town drinking wine with the king!"

  His face didn't let up but, you were frustrated. To think not only Eren but Jean believes that Reiner's main goal had you written on it was insane. You stood tall and stretched out your hands waiting for an answer.

He continued to stare at you. "Honestly, what else was I supposed to think? I was born into a world that had nothing else, but titan written on it. A world where hundreds of people were sent out of those walls only to return with 20... and that's being generous! All those titans out their being sent by your people!"

  You scoff, "My people! You mean the people who treated me and every Eldian their like shit. Matter fact, less than shit. We were convinced that the only reason why we suffered is because of ya'll behind those walls. We were victims too Jean, victims of humiliation, manipulation, and just abuse......"

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