Chapter 31

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Year 854

In the distance, little did you know that Reiner assumed you died, right when Zeke threw the boulders at Pieck's titan. Ever since he didn't bother to look up at the wall, so when he saw Porco do so, his heart stung. His titan roared as he punched Eren in the mouth. About to go for another hit he tried to pull his fist out and found it to be a struggle.

You on the other hand shot at Armin and got a hit on his shoulder. "Got one!", you yell over all the commotion. General Magath who was no more than 2 feet away from you still struggled to understand what you said. Only witness Armin, yell out and move to the other side of of Pieck. You focued your attention on him while the General and Pieck took care of Mikasa. Walking up to him you saw him struggle.

He saw the way you looked. It was strange to see someone look so blank but still had emotion overflowing from your eyes. Pointing the gun at him you were ready to shoot.

"Armin!!!", you hear Mikasa say. Her voice sounded panic and distressed. Pieck saved you by blocking and jumping up towards her.

"WAIT!!", he cried breathing heavy. You didn't give him a chance to finish as he opened his mouth again. Taking the gun, you hit him upside the head.

"No! I'm tired of waiting.", you aim the gun directly in the middle of his head, "You came up here to pick a fight! Now when the tables turn, I have to wait!?" you laugh a little and put one finger on the trigger. " Bye Arm....."

That's when an excruciating high pitch sounded reached the entirety of Shinganshina district and further on. Making you drop the gun and as instinct put your hands on top of your ears. The sound sent a shock through your body and just when it was over you heard something crack. Looking down you saw the wall that you were on starting to crumble. You looked to see Mikasa grab Armin and shoot down to someplace on the ground.

Then the next thing you knew, you were falling.


Kenji was running through the streets of Shinganshina calling out for Gabi, Falco, and Colt. "How could I have lost them.... they were right here!!", Kenji frantically sorts through the crowd. The sound of titan roars and sounds filled the air.

He tried to make himself unknown as the whole fight situation was between his kind and Paradis Eldians, but he had to get to where Zeke was.

Colt was on his way to Zeke right?

He continued running, the lactic acid starting to build up in his system due to the lack of oxygen. His legs were growing heavy but alas he saw the familiar burgandy hair. "Gabi!", he caught up to her. She turned around and he noticed how she looked distraught. She only glanced at him for a minute until turning back around and yelling out. "FALCO!!!!"

Kenji didn't see it until she yelled, but to his left there was Falco and Colt standing beside Zeke's titan. His eyes widen as he realized the situation. Colt was holding onto Falco and had his eyes squeezed shut.

Falco looked at Kenji, tears streaming down his face and then back at Gabi who was still running towards them. Right as Zeke opened his mouth, Kenji tried catching up to Gabi and pull her back. "Gabi you can't!"


Kenji couldn't see anymore. He was blinded by the bright light of titan forming. Everything after that felt as if it was moving in fast forward mode. Sticking close to Gabi, they both watched and called out once Falco's titan formed. The mixed emotions of seeing Colt's burned body and Reiner about to get eating had Kenji in a haze.

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