Chapter 44

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Year 854

This was your first time you really got the see the ocean at this point of view. It was something you wished you would have been able to experience years ago. It was calming. The sun reflecting from the blue surface, making a gleaming effect.

Waves crashing up against the boat and among itself filled your ears. Finally, the smell, it was a combination of clean fish, saltwater, and seaweed. It was an enlivening smell that allowed you to close your eyes and for a millisecond forget about everything.

However, once you opened them back up, you were back in reality. And with no second to waste, you leaned against the rail with the folded paper in hand and took a deep breath before opening it. Instantly the first word made your eyes open wider:


You have devoted your time and energy into the Warrior Candidate unit. Making out to be better than those who worked alongside me. Earning respect from me, and many of those who live on the continent of Marley, it has been an honor to have you beside me.

You spread intelligence not only in training towards the candidates, but you've taught me something that took me too long to grasp from. You taught me how to care. It may come off as absurd for someone of my age to only now understand the concept of empathy, but you got through to me.

The way you controlled your emotions in and out of the field, keeping a stable balance with soldiers, not for respect but most importantly..... trust. I'm presently writing this while waiting for everyone to wake up.

After seeing the front view relationship between you and the candidates finalized something that I've been hesitantly deciding. Not because I don't figure you to be worthy. It took a lot of self-conflict to get to this point.

I don't believe, I'll last long during this war

However, there is no doubt in my mind, that you will come out to live past me, and live to see the end of this chaos. If you get this.... I want you to take charge of my position. I trust you enough with the way I seen you strategize, think logically, and as I've previously mentioned keep a steady balance between what a leader needs to do for their soldier mentally and physically.

To end this, I planned to tell you in person, if I don't get the chance to... Thank you. Thank you, Y/n.

-General Magath

Your grip on the paper tightened as anger started to boil up inside you. It was frustration out of the entire situation. His death, the note, the responsibility he planted on your shoulders.

If you could deny, you absolutely would but, he took this time to write out a note to you which was something was out of his element. Never thought you would see the day he was vulnerable to a piece of paper.

"You are an asshole General", you whisper while slumping your head down.

It was a struggle not to just throw the note out into the ocean as you folded it back up and put in your back pocket. You couldn't choose who to have a connection with, which is why it was hard to let go of the last thing that was left of him. It was about five minutes after reading the note that you spent out their alone.

It was an okay five minutes but, it would have been better spent with....

"Y/n?", he called while walking up next to you. You didn't look at him and continued to stare off into the ocean. His warmth that radiated from his body you felt even without direct contact brought you comfort.

Maybe I can't do this without him.

"You know you don't have to be alone, right?", he says looking out in the same direction as you. You slightly nod.

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