Chapter 32

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Year 854

  Before hitting the ground. Pieck swooped under you to catch you as the walls still continued to crumble.

"Shit!", you grabbed on to your shoulder as it dislocated from the impact. You winced as rubble was falling to the ground and you took your other arm and held on to one of the artilary straps. As soon as she made it to the ground, you hopped off and feel to your knees.

"L/N!?", Magath got out of Pieck's mouth and ran to you. You didn't say a word and instead stretched out your arm to stop him. Taking a few dep breaths you placed that hand on your other shoulder and prepared for the worst. With one quick pop, you put your shoulder back in place and shook it a little to feel it out.

"I'm fine", you say through your teeth. He didn't believe you, neither did Pieck, but what was important was getting out of the area. So, you followed behind Magath and laid into the Cart Titan's mouth. Then you all headed off you looked out at the scene and took it all in.

There were too many Colossal titan's to count marching with the same rhythm. The made the ground shake and you got a major headache from it. On top of that, more titans were out fighting with some of the soldiers on both sides.

You watch as the fight slowly faded away. The only thing that stuck was the consistant ground shaking and the sound of the rumbling followed. Pieck finally stopped near a tree where you and Magath go out.

  You walked up and around to climb and lay on The Cart's back as Magath followed. Pieck got out of her form and you all looked up to see many air ships retreating.

  "Could they have given up hope on our Marlyan forces making it back after seeing the rumbling take place?" Pieck was the one to break the silence among ya'll. You hummed and laid your head on your arms. "It's a smart move... they'll let everyone else know."

  Magath joins in, "It's better than just waiting for those things to crush us all."

  "In that case. There's nothing we can d. How could we possibly stop them now?", Pieck questioned. You closed your eyes and tried to think of an answer.

She's right... but we can't just stop trying.

"We can't" Magath follows and with your eyes still closed you chimed in, "We have too..."

You hear him sigh knowing that you were right, "But we'll keep up the pathetic struggle." Satified with the knowledge that no one plans to give up just yet, you hear something coming up from your right side. Instead of opening your eyes to see who or what it was, you spoke up, "Watch out... on your right."

Under you, Pieck's titan moved and lunged at whoever it was. "Wait!!" You recognized the voice and opened one eye.

Here we go

Before you, Hange had their hands up and noticed you laying on your stomach, looking a little too relaxed behind Magath. "Just, don't eat me, okay? I'm completely unarmed!!"

You sighed and saw that they were looking back and forth between you and Pieck. Instead of saying anything, you took your finger and pointed to the horse and man laying a wood slab.

They saw that and stuck a thumb behind them "Oh? The guy over need to worry about him.", you didn't show any sign of trust or confusion for the fact. You just stared blankly at them unimpressed by any word coming out their mouth.

"He's nothing more than a bastard who refuses to die", they finish.

Right as she finsihed that sentenced, the guy rose and looked at all of you on The Cart Titan. It was hard to miss his face half wrapped and only one of his eyes were showing. You reached down to grab a gun that was still strapped on to you. It was small so you easily snuck it and laid it flat infront of you.

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