Chapter 37

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Year 854

You lifted Gabi's chin and felt the tears on her chin that held on for life, run down your finger.

Tilting your head a little, you gave her a weak smile, "Gabi, He'll come around. Right now he has his own things that's clouding his brain right now. Okay? And even if he decides to turn away. That's not going to slow us down. The people right here are not going to stop fighting until we stop the rumbling. I won't stop until the rumbling is over. And I'm stubborn", she sniffs and softly smiles at you last comment.

You wipe the tears that now are streaming down her face slowly. You turn to Falco and nodded you head.

  He stared at you in awe and you rose an eyebrow in confusion until finally it clicked.

Porco..... You already are starting to show huh?

"You three need to rest." you hesitantly look at one out of the three people that were going to stretch out your night longer than it needed to be. "No", Kenji forcefully said through his teeth as he got up and walked away in the forest; Opposite direction of Jean.

  "Kenji", Gabi and Falco's call out and turn to where he walked off to. They have never seen Kenji so serious and heartbroken in their years of being friends. So to witness this side of him concerned them as they turned to look at you. 

You sigh and focus on the ground, feeling their concern gazes. "I'll take care of him. He has... a lot on his mind too." They nodded but still looked back at where he went.


  Hange and Magath assisted you on setting up blankets and makeshift beds for everyone and as soon as Gabi and Falco were covered in their blanket, they knocked out.

You chuckle a little at the irony of them hesitant to sleep but, passed out in seconds flat. Armin, Connie, and Mikasa fell asleep, and he only ones up were you, Magath, Hange, Annie, and Yelena.

  "You go take care of your brother.... I'll do the rest. Thank you y/n.... I can see why people favor you", Hange insists while you hand them one of the empty bowls.

  You painfully smiled at them, "Yea well, I think I just got knocked down on the list for a couple of people."

  "You couldn't have gotten any lower on mine, so don't worry too much", Annie comments and you scoff before you walk off after Kenji.

"My last worry was you Annie"

  The forest was dark and damp. You carefully looked around every tree in hopes that a brown headed boy was leaning against it. The deeper you got, the more concern you got, scared that he ran off in no hopes to return. "Kenji?"

No answer...

He's pissed off of course he won't answer.

  There was some rustling coming from your left and once you turned to look, you saw the shadow of a little boy running off. You sighed and called out, "Kenji!"

  Picking up your pace you chase after him and although he had speed on him.... you still were the one training him. You caught up and grabbed onto his shoulder. "Let go of me ", he said between his teeth heavy breathing.

And although he couldn't see it, you reflexively shook your head. The grip on his shoulder tightened in fear that he was going to take off again.

Whatever you do... don't cry...

  "Kenji... I know this will not make up for it so I'm not going to say sorry. I'll tell you why I did it." you stare at the back of his head. He didn't say anything, so you hoped that was a cue to continue.

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