Chapter 29

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Year 854

"We'll blast right through his neck!", Magath yells out as Pieck turns to position the canon towards Zeke. "Get in position!"

"Yes sir", everyone including Tai shouted. All except you.

"Hurry Pieck!!", he yells as you see Zeke swinging his arm back.

"General wouldn't be best if we come up with some kind of-"


You were not able to finish your sentence as a hoard of small boulders started flying towards you. Pieck jumped from the top and grabbed on to a small ledge along the wall. "We need a plan General!!", you scream out as you balanced yourself in one of the launch areas.

You thought he said something but, couldn't make it out as the annoyingly familiar sound of metal and ziplines grew. To see if you were right, you poked you head up to see multiple soldiers moving in your direction.

"Bring it on", you reach down to grab one of the guns and hand it to Tai and picked up one for yourself.

"They are tricky to shoot, I'm sure you know.... Here's a hack."

Tai watched you as you aimed your gun at one of them but, didn't shoot until you saw them shoot one of their grapplers on a specific spot in the wall. Right as you saw the grappler attach you waited a couple of seconds and turned your gun to that specific spot and shot.

It may have seemed that you missed but the speed of the bullet matched the speed of the soldier, as they both met. The bullet pierced through her as you heard a scream right before the soldier started falling to the ground. Tai was amazed at how you got that shot, not only with them moving, but Pieck was not making it easy as she kept running in a different direction.

He followed and copied your exact method, waiting for them to grapple at a specific part of the wall and shot. It barely missed but the second time around he got one.

"Split into two groups!", you heard the scouts say.  You and Tai exchanged a look and nodded. Without having to say a word, you carefully moved to another launch center following one group. While Tai stayed in his, shooting at the second group. Together y'all were taking out some soldiers enough to avoid any damage to anyone or any gear.

"We got some of them!"

"Pieck gain some distance!"

You and Tai yell out. Pieck continued to move across the wall, dodging the bullets while you and Tai continued to shoot. The Cart squad caught on to your method and started shooting as well.

Once Pieck, got far enough you heard her get out of the Titan. You quickly got out on the other side of the soldier that were gaining and followed her. You both crawled under her titan that was steaming and the bones were quickly showing themselves.

"How many did you get", Pieck asks as you felt more soldiers crawling next to you.

"Idk... 6?", you try to catch your breath as you shuffle pulling the gun from up under you. +

Without turning to see who was on your right, you ask, "What's your count".

"3.... it is harder than you make it look", Tai huffs pulling the gun under him too.

"We did it!!", you lower you head at the sound of the scouts nearing and Pieck crawled to the area where she could get a good view of Zeke.

They are not the brightest.

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