Chapter 40

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Year 854

"Well......this can't go without using the power of the titans. The Armour and Female will majority be used to attack alongside everyone with at maneuver gear. They can move to the middle as a distraction while we get everyone on to the ship...."

"It won't go without saying that there will be a good 2 to 5 people gaurding the actual ship so I can take can of them from a distance to avoid them shouting out for back up. Just give me the right gun with enough bullets.", you point to the middle of the harbor and then shift it to the dock right next to the anchored boats.

"It wouldn't be logical to use the Colossal for obvious reasons, and The Cart can transport more people through it's mouth and carry the baggage on top. In honesty it should go by smoothly or messy depending on if everyone goes along with it. Like I said the kids can stick with the General, but..... I'm sure you've noticed the steam", you nod your head to the overload of steam in the distance, "Indicates the rumbling is or if not already at Marley."

They confirm, "Yes we've noticed that."

"Alright than.... the real question is for you Hange", they turn their head to you while you still glance out into the distance with a frown on your face the thought. After what Jean was talking about.... the conversation between Annie and Mikasa, it shouldn't be overlooked.

"Will your team be up to it... I mean I'm never one for killing people, but I do what is necessary; No matter who. Will those who work under you be able to kill those that used to be in the same group?"

Before they even had a chance to speak something clicks in your head, "Oh right! Pieck did say the Azamobito were down there as well, correct?", you turn your head to Magath who nods.

They both watch you come to conclusions on your own. Making sure to consider everything. Not just the people, but the hostages, the possibility of lack of cooperation, and finally: "It would be a problem to kill their people who created ship we will be using eventually. So not only will we need to take ourselves into consideration, but we will need a couple of their mechanics incase anything went wrong."

You close your eyes and place a hand on your forehead to think. With a sigh you turn around and slide down to the rest of the group Hange and Magath confused at what you were doing. "I'll be right back". Conveniently, Mikasa was talking about the presence of the Azuma Bito being held hostage.

"They may be distant cousins to you but, to us their enemies who attacked our homeland.", Annie states, not acknowledging your presence.

Instead of chiming in your let the conversation carry on, to see if everyone else thought the same. Not just analyzing their say about the Azuma Bito, but you were curious about your earlier question with Hange, not trying to change anyone's opinion, you needed to hear what would come of them in situations where they may have to kill their own people.

Let's see how much they really care about humanity. Or at least their limits to stop the rumbling.

"No... it'll be a problem if we let the Azuma Bito die Annie......... isn't that right", you watch as Annie looks back at Pieck with a flat lined face.

You walk over and stand next to Reiner while simultaneously looking out at the kids making sure they were good. He looks at you and noticed how into the conversation you were. A little too into it for you just to be 'listening' as your eyes scanned over Connie, Mikasa, and Armin.

Onyakopon chimes in, "I should be able to pilot the flying boat but without the Azuma Bito mechanics, it'll have no wings and'll just be a boat. The wings right now are folded to make transportation easier. Plus, there is more to work on than just the wings before it can fly. Originally, they planned to move it to a Hangar to do all the required inspections and drills."

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