Chapter 50

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Year ???

The scenery changed. A small apartment that he's been over to many times before. The household of the L/n's. He stood in the middle of the place where to his left was the sound of angelic humming.

He furrowed his eyebrows once he looked over to see your mom standing in the kitchen, stirring something in the pot. He was able to tell that it was morning, not only by the smell of eggs from the kitchen but, the sun rays were just starting to peak through the window

  "Should be any moment now", he whispers to himself while staring at the front door. He had a small smile at what was to come.

"You think he's going to show up today too?", m/n chuckles. She turned off the stove and walked around the counter to the couch. Your dad was laying on his back reading a book before your mom lifted his head and placed it on her lap. She ran her fingers through his hair as he settled the book down and glanced at the door.

Reiner watched in disbelief. There was no way that this family was torn apart by the one hook up. Yelena was right when she said that you had a good family, one that he envied you for.

He felt sick to think that he believed you, that he was oblivious to everything that was going on behind close doors. Walking over to where they sat, Riener stood on the other side of the couch against the wall right next to the door, waiting for the knock. The clock above the stove said 7:52.

"He better not. There is no training today....", your dad rose from your mother's lap and looked back at the door in the corner. It had unfished drawings on it and was slightly cracked. The lights were on meaning that you were out and about, but you have yet to come out. "Matter fact, Y/N!", he yelled.

  He and your mom shared a glance as she smirked. "Leave her alone f/n", she pulled on his forearm laughing. By the time you came out from the door, they were in each other's face laughing and poking fun at each other.

"Hey", you came out already dressed in a sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. They both stop and look at you, when your father noticed you were dressed, he sighed.

"Let's have a father daughter day. We need a break from your mother." he joked as your mother hit the backside of his head. He pushed her face back and continued while you tried to speak up, "We can do some research..... or we can go get your favorite.."

You shift footing and glance between the door and him, "uhhh actually there's training today."

"No there's not"

"It's optional", you quickly say before turning around and walking back to your room.

  "Dammit", he curses and falls back down onto your mom's lap. She laughed, one similar to yours and looked at the door. "It should be any minute now."

Reiner huffed at the scene before him. And just like everyone was waiting for, a soft knock came from the door.

You didn't hear it so you mom covered your dad's mouth before shouting out, "Y/n, your boyfriend is here!" The footsteps in your room got louder as you ran out, swinging the door open.

Your eyes were wide as you glanced from your smiling mom to the door where younger Reiner stood on the other side. It was obvious that you were flustered by the tip of your ears turning red and hot.

"He's not my boyfriend..... I don't like him like that", you whispered, ducking down close to her avoiding eye contact with your dad. He finally prides your mom's hand from his mouth and got up.

"Really? Because didn't you ask me why your heart raced when you were around him. And want to tell me why you smell like my perfume. Or every time you come back home, your ears get hot..... like now", you mom reached out to rub your ear. Your mouth fell as you lightly slapped her hand away. "I-I don't  know"

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