Chapter 4

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Year 840

I hate the rain.

You looked up at the grey sky as the droplets mixed with the sweat made it's way down your face. The only sound being your labored breathing mixed with everyone else, and the repeated splat coming from under your boots from the mud.

You put your head down and focused your gaze on the two men waiting for the group of kids to finish. And.... Marcel.

Of course, Marcel is in front of me. This is bullshit.

When you made it to the "finish line", you looked behind to see your comrades pile in one by one. Annie. Bertholt. Porco. Reiner (in that order).

"Marcel Galliard!! You pass!!"


"I hate you, you know that." you spat at Marcel, hands on your knees trying to catch your breath.

"Yeah, but, I love you so if you think about it, it balances out." Marcel teases with a grin on his face. He bent down and got up under your view to see you looking at him with annoyance as you rolled your eyes.


The next task was still a let down as you laid on the ground between Bertholt and Reiner, one eye open and took aim to shoot at the piece of wood in front of you. The sound of the gun going off next to your left ear must have misdirected your shot, because when you looked up to the piece of wood you noticed the bullet hole right beside the target.

"Bertholt Hoover!! You pass!!"

It was the wind!! No, my hair was in the way..... Uggghhhh!!

Although the chances for you becoming a warrior candidate was coming to an end, you still were confident in your abilities. You got up and brushed the dirt off your uniform, turned to Bertholt and slap him on the back.

"Who knew you had it in you Bert." you said with a bright smile. That same smile is what Betholt and everyone of your friends adored.

You may come off as an ass when you open your mouth but all of them knew that deep down that you had a personality that can shine light on a dark day.

"Uhh, yea." Bertholt quietly said through a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck.

You turned your attention to Reiner who looked like a deer in headlights and walked over to him in attempt to calm his nerves. Cupping his face with your cold and soft hands, you forced him to look at you. Those (e/c) eyes studying every line, bead of sweat, and curve on his face before you landed on his hazel eyes that you could not get enough of.

"Reiner, there are still a few tasks ahead of us to determine who will become candidates. Relax. Ok? I know you will be able to pass. If it helps you feel better, we can do some training during our break to calm your nerves and go over some strategies for the next obstacle." You calmly said.

Instantly Reiner loosened up and melted into your touch. He was aware of the impact you had on him but, never thought to act on his feelings. Every time you looked at him and smiled his heart would race and his face would heat up.

The way you never looked down on him and took the time to help him become stronger. You knew who he was doing this all for but, what you did not know that you are the one that make this whole situation somewhat bearable.

"Y-yea that would be nice. Thank you, y/n." Reiner said.


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