Chapter 41

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A/n: Had to split up the chapters to keep them from being too long.

Year 854

"-and when all else goes to fail, you two will come out. Honestly be prepared, there is no way this will go the way they want to."

You were telling Annie and Reiner about the plan. Armin somehow convinced you to cease on killing people until it was absolutely necessary. You acknowledged his great intellect but, you really weren't in the mood to play nice.

"Don't worry about hurting any of them.... if everything goes to shit. Hange said that there is basement. They will take cover their- Annie please at least pretend that you're listening to me...", you groan and move positions to stand directly in front of her. She stared into your eyes, " I was", she said flatly.

Instead of arguing with her, you rolled your eyes, "Alright that's it", while turning away to talk to the General, Annie already beat you to go stand off somewhere on her own.

A hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you back directing you to where no one would be able to see you. "Where will you be?", Reiner asked as he crossed his arms.

You sigh, "Come on" you climbed the sand mound to position yourself close to the ground preventing anyone from seeing you. Reiner followed sout and watched as you pointed to one of the small buildings along the harbor, the one closest to the boat.

"There are two people guarding the boat..... obviously their comrades. If anything goes down to where Armin and Connie can't convince them. I'll shoot. Then I'll meet up with Magath and Hange. In that building."

Once you were done explaining you and him both turned and slid down. Still out of sights from everyone he nodded his head with hesitation. There was a silence between you both.

Alright this is getting awkward

" safe out there. This attack is to be expected compared to the one yesterday. They have titan spears ready to launch.", with that, you place a hand on his shoulder and start walking off to the rest of the group.

"Y/n", he calls out making you stop. You squeeze your eyes shut and brace for what was to come next.

"hmmmm", you tilt your head back to see him walking closer to you. He stopped right behind you and grabbed the side of your arms, turning you around. His grip was tight as he took a deep breath, "Be careful."

Your eyes soften and just accepted the hug that he was desperately trying to hold back from. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and wrap one arm around to place on your upper back and waist.

You sighed and ran your hand through his hair. "You know this is only battle two right.....? Are you going to do this every time we send off?", you chuckle as he gave a flat 'yea'.

"Y/n dear!", you hear Hange call for you. There are footsteps that gradually got closer and once you turn from facing Reiner, they are peaking over a sand dune. "Oh... sorry didn't mean to interrupt yo-"

"We were just talking about the plan Hange", you shake your head with a slight smile. "Is it time to go?"

They glance between you, who already started to equip yourself and then Reiner who didn't take his eyes off you for one millisecond. Ever since he thought you died, it was like he was scared to turn away from you, but time stopped for no one and Eren was not making it easier.

Although you believed that Reiner agreed to 'letting go', he didn't. He was well aware that as much as you covered it up, they look in your eyes has not changed.

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