Chapter 22

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Year 854

"You okay?"

"Yea they were just grazes."

"Where was she headed."

"I don't know, she killed the solider that she was with. If I had to guess, the only person in that building that was of interest is Floch."

"ahhhh", you groaned as you slowly gained consciousness. Your head was throbbing and opening your eyes was too much of a task as you tried and failed. You recalled the events that happened and knew that one of the voices had to be Mikasa.

Moving a little, the cold metal that was once on your hand were no longer there, instead nothing obscured your movement. You laid flat on your back on something that was hard yet soft at the same time.

It smelled of mold and the air was stuffy, making it hard to breathe. Similar to when you visited Eren's cell as the room was cold, goosebumps sprung up on your skin.

Alright I'm in a jail cell, the lay out has to be similar. The sink is on my right and of course the bars are in front. They know that I'm awake because the conversation stopped entirely. The only person I recognize is that soldier from earlier.

All I know is that I am in the Scout HQ. I already know what to expect. They are going to ask about Marley. No other way I can dodge around it except keep quiet. Eren may not have seen the way I was fighting, but they saw first had how hard I fought during the attack on Marley. Getting out of this jail cell is going to take time. Too much time.

If they are going to attack in the next 2 weeks, I need to hurry up and find Floch. Or just join those Jeagerist .

Ugggghhhhh!!!! This ruins everything. All I want is Kenji.

"Get up", a male voice calls out. You do not move instead, you continue to lay their evening out your breathing in hoped of them leaving so you could come up with an escape plan. Not only was your head still throbbing, your hands felt raw and exposed from the whole ordeal.

"I said get up", you heard the sound of keys making their way into the key hole and the cell opening up. The foot steps were quiet yet still audible.

Now since they were stepping in close, your eyes open wide and you shot up, standing right next to the bed in a stance where one foot was fron front of the other and once you saw the person sanding right next to the cell door, you faced them and glared.

The headache you had hurt like hell and your hands moved down to grab the knife in your belt but all you got was air.

Why would I ever think they'll let me keep my knife.

The man looking back at you was all to familiar. And on the other side of the cell, there stood Mikasa who glared at you as if she was ready to kill you. Next to her was a shorter blonde boy who just looked as if he was analyzing everything about you.

Finally next to him was the Commander. Hange stepped up to the cell opening and tried to pull mullet hair back."She's up, no need to make her feel threatened.", they pulled on his arm.

"No.", he growled, "She should feel threatened, the amount of our soldiers she killed during the attack alone, she came back to the island and killed not one, but another soldier found in a alleyway. How do you think she got that uniform" he steps closer.

You did not move, just stared at him. If push comes to shove you will kill him if you have to. He was the one to give you the scar that was on your face now. You raised you hands as they stayed near the your waist line, flat out in a warning to stop moving.

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