Chapter 30

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Year 854

"Porco!!!", you scream as you see Eren chopped down on the nape of the Jaw's titan.

"General it's ready! Shoot!", Tai calls out.

In no time Magath launches the canon below towards the Founding Titan. You poke your head our further to get a good view as you cover your ears with your hands. The combination of the louds noises so close to your ear, had them ringing so it was more difiicult to make out the small things.

"Direct hit on the Founder! It's movements have stopped!", you yell.

"Alright! One more at the Beast", Magath shouts. You still had you head out watching the scene below as you assumed that the other soldiers were loading the next canon.

"Get down!", Tai pulls you over to cover. His pull was so strong and it caught you off guard as you hit the other side of the launch card.

You turn around and once again saw the same people that you were shooting at before.

"These flies will not die.", you growl between your teeth as you grabbed your gun and aimed at three soldiers one by one. Each time hitting them in the stomach, chest, and head.

Your eyes were scanning trying to aim at more, "And I'm fucking sick of it."

"He's still alive!", you hear Magath call.

"What!!", you run over to the ledge ducking to avoid any bullets and peered down to see Zeke getting up.You squint your eyes as the Beast Titan pulls itself up pushing from the ground.

He's going to scream.

Infront of the Beast Titan you see Reiner on top of Eren holding him back from any movement. " Y/n! Focus!", Tai pulls you back from the ledge as more enemy soldiers continued to show up and try to take you all out. Right before you turn around you see two people run up close to the Beast and all movements stopped. Everyone down below seemed to freeze. However, that wasn't something you could afford to do.

Turning around, you took your gun and mindlessly shot at the soldiers, not missing one. You had no care for them at all. Your only worry at the moment was Kenji, Reiner, and Porco. It may sound terrible with the few amount of people on that list, but it was true.

By the number of soldiers you took out alone. It created a gateway for Tai and the other members of the Cart squad to reload the canon. You turned around and viewed below the scene while everyone focused on their task.

Focusing more on the two people on the side of the of the Best made you eyes nearly pop out of your head. "Colt and Falco...", you whisper.

If Zeke screams.....

You didn't expect your thoughts to become a reality. As soon as you realized the outcome a heart wrenching scream filled your ears. Shaking the ground and made it all the way up to the wall. "He didn't."

It was hard to believe, but something that was right in front of you as a bunch of sparks lit up like a light show below. Out of them emerged titans all different shapes and sizes. Times like this is when you truly didn't know how to react. It's like you were numb. As you looked down to see Falco's titan form.

You never admitted it but, he was one of your favorites just because he never shifted away from his values. He had a kind soul and no matter how much he was surrounded by those who hate, he always found it in his heart to give everyone a second chance.

But of course, you didn't get a chance to breathe just yet.

"Get Reiner!"

You had no clue who said it. You didn't care. Right when you heard it and saw Falco's titan shoot towards Reiner you screamed out. "No!"

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