Chapter 9

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Year 854

Reiner caught up to you as you walk through the streets in search for Falco.

It didn't take long for you to spot the blond running towards you both. In attempt to go around, Falco leaned to the side, but you stopped him by putting a handout and placed it onto his forehead.

"Falco what are you getting into now?" you ask as you put your hand down.

"It's getting late, where are you going?" Reiner asked stepping closer to you blocking one escape route.

Falco answers back huffing and puffing, "I forgot something at HQ. Now if you'll excuse me." He moves to the route opened on the other side of you and picked up speed.

"You're responsibility." Reiner whispered into your ear.

"There is no training today, I'm off", you scoff as you start walking to head to your apartment forgetting about your task for the day.


"Hmmm", you glance back at Reiner as he started walking up to you.

"Can we ta- "

Suddenly, your watch started beeping, "Shit. I forgot! I'm late, uhm... I'll see you later?"

"Yeah." Reiner says watching you speed walked away.

We declare war 2 days from now....


You stood behind Magath in uniform observing the line of soldiers who did not look like Marleyan soldiers.

So, the Tyber family is upping their security huh...

The door opened and peeped out another soldier who had to bend down to even make his way out the door frame. He studied you and Magath, making sure that no one else was there. He nodded in approval and pulled the door back to relieve semi-tall blonde man with long hair and a handsome face.

"I'm Willy the head of the Tybur family." Willy said as he outstretched his hand to the commander who gave him is title.

Willy glanced over at you with a smile, "And you are?" He politely put his hand in front of you waiting for you to grab it.

"F/n L/n, Assistant Commandant specialized in training unit." You met your hand with Willy's, giving a firm handshake.

"Nice to meet you two. Allow me to introduce you to the rest of the family." Willy says.

You look around at the group of people crowding the living room. First your eyes met a woman who look the same age a Willy who looked to be his wife. Two older people sat on the couch and on the floor were 4 kids conflicting with each other.

Cute family

You scan the rest of the room and notice one more person. She was dressed in a maid outfit and her arms folded in her front politely.

You stood by the doorway while Commander Magath and Willy had their conversation about whatever.

What the hell am I doing here. There is not point. I want to go home.

You stood tall and looked over the room once again eyes to ensure that one spot was not overlooked. Mostly out of boredom and curiosity.

The Tybur family just looks like a normal family. They are living the life I want. Me and my spouse laid on that white couch while our kids entertain themselves with toys that we would have no trouble buying.

Truth be Told  [Reiner x reader]Where stories live. Discover now