Chapter 2

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Year 854

Don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep, DO NOT FALL ASLEEP!

"Y/N what do you think?"

  Reeling you back into the conversation, everyone stared at you awaiting your answer to the question you internally cursed Magath for asking.

"I'm sorry, may you repeat that again Commander." You asked quite softly to add an apologetic affect.

"What would be the best next step for Marley?"

"Well, sir our best bet is to claim the island of Paradis, this being Marley will finally obtain the resources to stay far advanced in comparison to other countries. Once the news gets around, not only will we be more feared as the dominant country, but the more allies we get, the more opportunities to take over the next country."

  The room was then filled with silent approval. Of course, you didn't know seeing as you went back into the safe place in your mind dreading the next task after this meeting is ajourned. Colt was the one to bring you back with a subtle nudge.

You walked out of the meeting to go check on Reiner, given he was clouding your thoughts.


You walked into the room, with the attempt to remain quiet yet, still managed to wake up the one person you were concerned about.

"Wait!", Reiner wakes up gasping and frantically looking around only to see Porco silently munching on his sandwich and you at the door with a small sincere smile.

  Porco looked at you and waves over to the bed next him. Walking up, you lean down and took your thumb to wipe the crumb that was left on his face. He rolled his eyes and turned away that got your chuckling lightly. You reluctantly sat down and laid your back on the bed in hopes for at least 2 minutes of down time. Your forearm fell over your face blocking the view of the beaming sun rays and tannish looking roof. "How are you feeling Reiner? I'll tell you from the trenches, damn near shit my pants." You confess.

You could hear the small chuckle coming from the same man who tapped your leg for attention.

You looked up to Porco who held out his sandwich wordlessly asking if you wanted any. As hungry as you were, you knew that whatever you eat will later find it's way into a nearby trash or toilet. You looked up and shook your head 'no' right before returning to the same position.

  "None of this would have happened if they chose me for the Paradis Operation nine years ago and if y/n held the colossal titan. We would have been impossible to stop." Porco scoffs putting his two cents in before Reiner got a chance to answer the first question thrown at him.

Not known to you, Porco stared at you noticing how tired you looked on the bed next to him with concern since you had no smart remark to back him up.

"Could you see Marcel's memories?" questioned Reiner.

  Well fuck my question then

The conversation carried on, until once more the door opened to no one other than Pieck. In any other case you would have gone up and hugged the girl on crutches but, your body would not move. You were so tired and drained from the days prior leading up to now.

Constant meetings, watching over the candidates , taking stats on the number of Eldians that have died and survived during the war, finalizing the armored titan paperwork, and lastly finding time to eat, sleep, and take care of your little brother. One word: Exhausting.

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