Chapter 23

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Year 854

"Get up", a deep voice called out to you. It didn't sound like Hange or Mikasa.

It is your 5th day in the cell and twice a day, either Hange or Jean would open the door and sit in front of your cell. Asking about Marley, the nine titans, and of course, Reiner. It was tiring having to ignore them and as soon as they left, you would get up and try to find any way to leave. The lock was stuffed so there was no point and there were no loose bricks in the cell.

Gain their trust my ass. These people are crazy! A weird titan murmuring to themselves, his girlfriend with a dirty ass scarf around her neck, mullet man who will not hop off my dick, the colossal titan who look as if he can't do more than 2 pushups, baldy who tags along just to stare at me, and their commander who ripped off one of my fingernails without asking any damn questions. No wonder Reiner didn't want to talk about them.

"Common sweetheart I do not have all day", the voice called out again and you heard the sound of the cell door opening.

You were laid in the bed facing the wall and tried to take in as much of the peace and quiet as you could before Hange comes in asking questions. However, the word 'sweetheart' confused you as you slowly turned to see who was on the other side.

There stood a familiar tall, blonde woman with pale skin and a bowl cut. She had a smile on her face that looked as if she was enjoying the sight of your pain. You furrowed your eyebrows lifted yourself on to your elbows.

"Wow, they really put a number on you", she says leaning up against the wall. She had her arms crossed and her head down as she chuckled.

You sighed and swung your feet over the edge of the bed. The cell was open and no matter what you knew this was your only chance. She saw your state with bags under your eyes, and your head swung stayed to the ground.

However, all that changed when another person came through the door. You tensed up and took one step back.

"Yelena what are you doing? Come on Eren is heading to the restaurant", he looked to her and then you.

You turned around and cocked an eyebrow. In any other case you would have teased her for finally getting her name. But right now it was as if you could pass out in any moment.

"Yes, that is my name.", she smirked at you and looked up at the man in the entrance of the door. "I will meet you there. Leave without me and make sure the military police are assigned their own armbands. If anyone does not comply. Kill them." Your eyes widened at what she said.

Armbands? Am I back in Marley.....what the fuck.

The man nodded and walked out leaving the door open. She started walking towards it and you followed. Not caring who's side she was on, but the fact that she saved you from another day in that cell was enough. Once you got into the right mind set that is when you will strike.

"Now, you have 15 minutes to clean up. There is a clean uniform set in there. You're lucky I overheard the Commander.", she pushed into the bathroom that had a small shower in the corner.

The door shut behind you and you heard her call out, "If you try to escape I will kill you, so use that big brain of yours."

"Yea whatever....", you whispered and took of your clothes to look at the mirror, checking the damage. It was like you didn't recognize yourself behind the dried blood and dirt.

Your scar from the attack on Marley was nothing compared to other injuries. You lifter your hands and the scabs formed over the wound and their were multiple cuts on your finger tips courtesy to the metal piece from the bed.

Truth be Told  [Reiner x reader]Where stories live. Discover now