Chapter 3

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Year 854

"Pls Y/n, just one sip." Colt begged for the bottle in your hand; just looking for a good time.

"Colt, I told you I don't care, take it." You handed him the open bottle and turned around to squeeze your way through the crowd of soldiers.

Before heading to the next cart, Reiner caught a glimpse of you observing your state. You had a couple of sips from the wine Colt is now abusing and now looked as if you were ready to pass out. You glanced back and forced a smile, pushed the door open, and walked through.

Right outside the door, you scooted into the seat next to Porco and laid your head down on his shoulder. You ignored the cheering coming from the next cart as your eyes could not stay open for any longer.

"Commander we should shut them up." an official said.

"Y/n Is in control of what they do outside of the war zones and the trenches, she can handle them." Magath stated.

Instantly you shot up and looked around wide eyed. Commander Magath looked back at you waiting for an answer.

"Give them this one night, they are not harming anyone."

There was silence after that. Just what you were looking for. You laid your head back on Porcos shoulder shifting closer to him for comfort. It didn't take you long till you knocked out cold, finally letting your body rest. Porco looked down at you and got a whiff of your scent. The familiar smell of sweet oak that reminded him of his childhood, and your home.

He looked back up to Pieck who already knew what he was thinking as she held in her laugh.

He is hopeless.


You yawn and shield your eyes from the sun as you step out of the tram following Porco. Not before he helped you flatten your wild looking hair and took a napkin to wipe the drool off of your face.

"WE'RE HOME!!!" Gabi shouts.

"Gabi, please I told you to keep it down." Colt says with a slur, holding on tighter to Porco who was helping him walk. Apparently, that 'one sip' he begged from you turned out to be over half the bottle.

"Who let you have liquor Colt?" Porco asks.

You picked up your speed, walking past the two with your eyes squeezed shut and a guilty look. Porco and the rest noticed and Pieck let out a small chuckle.

This is not fair; I hate my job sometimes. He asked for a sip. A sip! Who could have known that he didn't have self-control?

"Looks like you've got your answer." Pieck says as she walked up behind you and wrapped her around you into a small hug. Her chin resting on your shoulder and chest pressed against your back. Part of your (h/c) hair blocked Piecks view from where she was going, so she entrusted you to see for both. "You need to learn how to control your emotions outside of the battlefield too you know, we can all read you like a book."

"What she needs to do is not fall for their pleads." Zeke says looking back at you both.

"Oh common old man, you act like you've never wanted to let loose after a victory before. When's the last time you've even had a party? 813?" you clap back dragging along Pieck as you felt the weight lift, followed by the sound of giggling and laughing from your friends.

"Hey, I'm not that old." Zeke whines pointing a finger on your forehead.

"Yeah, sure." you roll your eyes and slap Zeke's finger away.

Truth be Told  [Reiner x reader]Where stories live. Discover now