Chapter 11

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Year 854

He pushes you back against the wall.

What started out as a heated, messy session, gradually turned slow. You've longed for this very moment. A time alone where you allow your brain to fill with nothing other than the desire for each other.

His hands did not stop moving as he felt up your shirt and move his hands along your torso. Not letting a single spot be left untouched. He wants to claim every part his and let know that you are loved.

Your emotions were all over the place as you  moan in between kisses. Arching your back wanting to get any sort of contact that would bring you closer. You jump into his grasp as he moves his hands holding your ass, letting out a low groan himself.

You felt yourself use up the last bit of oxygen as you pulled back for air. Your ears were thudding at the sound of your heart that felt like it will explode any minute. You open your eyes and saw the way he was holding back, like he didn't need the break at all.

However, what Reiner saw was a look of pure lust. Messy hair (courtesy to him), lidded eyes, and flushed cheek.

"Want me to stay the night", he whispered with a smug look.

"Please", you nodded

He pulls you from the wall, one arm supporting your weight while he uses the other hand to push the door open.

He shuts and locks  the door right before he went back in. You felt yourself being lowered on the couch, tongue exploring the his mouth as his did the same.

He climbs on top of you to gain more access as one  hand reaches down into your shorts to find that something was missing.

"No underwear.... Really" he says between kisses.

"I was testing my luck." You smirk.

He took his thumb to make slow circular motions on your clit. He knew it was the right spot because you moan into his mouth and started squirming a bit underneath him.

"Relax." Reiner shushes, never taking his thumb off and thought to kill two birds with one stone. He kissed down on your neck, sucking a little to find another soft spot that will make you beg for more.

"ahh ..." you moan  into your hand as he successfully found your soft spot, underneath you collar bone.


"Please let me hear you Y/n, it's just us..." Reiner whispers between kisses as he moves down your neck. Not forgetting to leave behind marks.

Instantly, he felt your body tense up. He looks up to be met with wide (e/c) eyes, your hand still over your mouth. He removes his hand from your shorts in fear he got carried away and hurt you some how.

"It's not just us." You get onto your elbows and point to the room door in the far corner that has a big green K plastered on it.

Understanding what you  meant, Reiner looks back at you with a slight pleading face.

"Well then let's play the quiet game." He says, leaning back down to you in hopes to continue what he started.

"Tempting" you say, looking back at Kenji's door once again considering the offer. "Nah, I can't promise that I will be able to stay quiet."

You bluntly state; you smirk and raise an eyebrow.

Reiner's eyes widen his dick twitched at the thought of making you moan uncontrollably. Finally, making you submit to him would turn the tables.

Truth be Told  [Reiner x reader]Where stories live. Discover now