Chapter 5

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Year 854


The sound of banging on the door woke you up from your nap as you frantically scan the room and put your feet on the floor. Resting both of your heads on your face, you stare down at the half-eaten apple on the ground and check the window to estimate what time it is.

"Shitty dream." You recall the vivid dream.

The banging on the door startled you once again. You let out a groan, got up and walked toward the door. Turning the handle, you began to talk before checking who was on the other side.

"Porco, you know I just had a dream about how much of a shit you were back then. Sort of fitting since you are waking me up before the crack of dawn?" You complain as you rubbed your eyes.

"Since someone else is on your mind right now than, I guess I'll take this coffee with extra milk somewhere else than."

You froze and looked up to the, all to familiar deep voice in standing at your doorway. None other than Reiner looked back with 2 cups of coffee, one in each hand. He studied your every feature.

Beginning with the messy hair all the way down to your legs. To end up back to your face, Reiner held out the coffee that was made to your liking and step into the apartment once you moved to the side, allowing access.

"What are you doing here so early Reiner?" You question as you shut the door behind him.

Gazing at the tall man who leaned on the kitchen counter that, to his surprise, was clean.

"I just wanted to get away from everyone and your place is the first thing that came to mind." He says honestly. "But now, I want you to tell me how shitty Porco was in your dream." He sat the coffee down.

You walked over and leaned on the empty spot next to him chuckling at his little remark. You set your coffee down next to him and started towards your bedroom.

"Or I can tell you later and get ready for the day that fills both of our schedules."

"You really need 2 hours to get ready." He takes a sip out of his cup.

"Duh, and by the way you constantly stare at me, the 2 hours of prep do me good." You shout from the room as you grabbed your uniform for the day.

You didn't hear nothing but a scoff coming from the living room when you walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Once you got out, dressed he was still leaning against the counter in a sort of daze. Despite you being loud enough for him to acknowledge you, he didn't hear you as you walked to your room to put up your stuff and back out.

"Hellooo", you wave a hand in front of his face which did the tricked as he snapped out of whatever took over his brain.


You leaned on to the counter across from him, and tilted your head after you grabbed your coffee, "How was dinner?"

He drew his eyes from you once you questioned it and sort of tensed up. That had you more concerned but waited for him to say anything. "Let's just say you should've came....."

"That bad?", you scoffed and took a sip from your cup, the coffee already putting you out of your 'just woke up funk'.

"That bad", he sighed and stood up straight from the counter. "Wanna come with me to get Gabi?"

You shrugged, taking another drink from the cup. In more of a tease, you were always one to say yes to going with him, but for the past couple of times.... You decided to mess with him.

He noticed the smirk that ghosted your face once the silence fell and he continued to stare waiting for you to crack, but when that didn't come he walked to your side. While your grip was loose, he snatched the cup from your hand and started walking to the door.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry........ I'm coming", you chuckle and follow him out the door. Only when you closed your door and locked it did he give it back to you.

So needy......


You two walked out of the apartment to head towards HQ. Not before stopping by Reiner's place to get Gabi.

You all walked down the streets of Liberio as you took occasional sips of your 'milk with coffee drink'.

"Good morning Captain Braun."

"Hurrah for our warriors!"

People continued to praise both Reiner and Gabi ignoring your presence. You didn't mind but wanted to tease Reiner a little.

"My hero Captain Braun." You wrapped your arms around his forearm and leaned your head against his shoulder.

"Knock it off." Reiner said shaking you off.

"Fuck you too." You say expecting to hear the laugh of the little girl beside him but was met with nothing but silence and a blank face.

"What's wrong Gabi, I need an audience if my comedian career is going to take off." You joke.

"Reiner is acting strange, both Aunt Karina and I thinks he is lying about something." Gabi says as she glared up at Reiner from the side.

You did not expect that answer. Your face fell and looked up to Reiner waiting for his comeback.

"Well, her twelve-year-old son came back a middle-aged man. Of course, I worried her." He answered back.

Once Reiner came back from the island both of you laid down  and talked about what he experienced. But, even though y'all stayed up all night talking, you know that he did not share everything. It bothered you, but didn't pry as you hoped that one day, he will be honest on what happened.

There was a pause before Gabi said," I want you... to tell me the truth one day."

"Me too Gabi." you say under your breath, not audible to human ears.

Unfortunately for you, Reiner is a titan shifter.

His eye widened once he heard what you said.
Not many things stuck with him but, looking at your sad expression made him regret not telling you the truth when all he desperately needed was your comfort.


You three made your way through the gates and parted separate ways. You and Gabi walking out to the field in prep for another training session and Reiner off into the building.

Kenji and Zofia ran up behind you to tackle you down onto the ground. Luckily for them, you finished your drink and threw it away seconds prior. They both laughed out loud only to regret their action when they saw the look on your face.

"Since y'all have so much energy. 50 laps to start."

"Dammit." Kenji said as he moved off from you and started his laps behind the multiple groaning candidates.

Once the meeting was over, Reiner moved out to the balcony and peered down at the children as they ran around with prop guns, landing his gaze onto you.

I'm sorry Y/n but, everything that happened on that island is one thing I can't comprehend myself. You would never forgive me for my actions, that's why I can't tell you. I know I'm being selfish yet, it's the only way to keep you close.

You stood on the side lines and watched Gabi and Falco fight with their weapons in attempt to knock each other off their feet.

Seeing Gabi win and point her prop gun down at Falco, reminded you of the many times you used to beat Reiner. After, y'all would go and get food to talk about anything other than war, race, or parents. Enjoying the time together just to laugh and be kids.

All until you went home that night.


Sorry for the short chapter

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