Chapter 8

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                TW: Mentions of suicide

Year 854

"Hey Falco, have you seen Reiner?" you ask, taking a second look around to ensure that you didn't miss him.

"Uhhhh I think I saw him going into that building." He points to the old, abandoned building behind you.

You tilted your head to the structure.

Why would he randomly walk into an abandoned building?

"Umm Falco, was he holding anything or *clears throat*, with anyone?" you question, trying to dissect the situation and make sure you would not walk into anything recklessly.

"He was holding a gun." He says.

A gun?

You nod to him as a thank you and turned towards the building in attempt to ask him if you both can talk. War is going to be declared against Paradis 2 days from now, it's time for you to come clean.

You will be fine, just tell him and get it over with. And remember, he may get mad but that's ok because you can't lie to him forever.... This is going to be torture.

Inside one of the rooms Reiner was recalling his journey from the day he took off on that boat. Marcel's death, Annie's capture, and Bertholt's death all flashed through his mind.

He recalled the 'friends' he made and the confusion that never left him when he saw the island devil's way of living.

"I'm sure Marley will be disappointed if these five years of results is all we bring them." Reiner told Annie

"Are you sure that Marley is the only one you worry about disappointing." Annie poked a stick at the camp fire not caring to see his reaction.

"Yes...... that is all."

The big gun was positioned in his mouth as the memory from the campfire filled his head. He closed his eyes feeling defeated and tired of war ready for it all to end.

Right as he put his finger on the trigger, the door to the empty room opened up.

"Reiner?" You walk in and stop in at the sight before you.

He pulls the gun away from his mouth, spit covering the muzzle. The room was completely silent you can hear the particles of dust moving through the air as Reiner hesitantly looked into your eyes.

For once in your life, you did not know what to do. Seeing Reiner about to take his own life had to be digested fully. Images of your mother laid in the bathtub flashed in your mind as you were pulled in and out of reality. The constant pleads to your mother in hope that she will come back played on repeat.

You finally snapped out of it and walk over to grab the empty chair on the other side of the room. You brought it over, placed it next to Reiner. and sat down.

"I'm tired y/n." he broke the silence and let his mouth say what was on his mind, no filter.

You still did not bother to open your mouth. Instead, just sat there, messing with the white band around your forearm.

"Please talk to me." Reiner begged. He hated your silence. Hell, when you didn't talk it made him uneasy.

"The world is fucked Reiner, both of us know that." You gave in, still messing with the white arm band. In honesty, you were still trying to process what you just witnessed. Your mouth may have moved but, whatever came out of it was out of your control. Yet, it was exactly what Porco said to you, the night you told him everything.

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