Chapter 21

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A/N: So for Hange I use They/Them pronouns. Just a heads up.

Year 854

Just like that, you arrived at the port and snuck your way onto Paradis Island.

"Trash ass security" you huffed to yourself as you made your way through, what you made out to be Wall Maria, following directions to Wall Sina. You talked with Reiner and he told you that was where Eren would most likely be.

You didn't have your hoody on to hide any sign of suspicion. Even though you were aware that some of the people knew you, the chances of you running in to them were slim. The first thing you needed to do was blend in. Killing one of the people in the military to gain their uniform. You saw one that looked as if he would be easy to lure out of public eye.

"Excuse me, I need help finding the Commander of the Scouts. I have important message to relay to them." You tapped on the soldier's shoulder.

He turned around and was about to say something but, it came out as a stutter. His cheeks tinted pink and you knew right then that you had him.

"uhhh t-the Commander is busy at the moment, maybe I can relay the message for you." He didn't meet your eyes.

"That would actually be nice. But do you mind if we do it in private. I don't trust some people around here", you whispered into his ear.

He did not give a verbal response. Instead, he nodded his head and before walking off, he told the soldier next to him that he will be back. You followed him to an empty ally way side by side and once you were far enough from civilization you turned towards him.

You beckoned him to come closer and right as he got close enough, you moved behind and wrapped and arm around his neck choking him. To make sure no one heard, you covered the other hand over his mouth. He struggled for a while to the point you were not sure if he was going to die. "Come on, the longer you are alive, the more it will hurt."

His eyes slowly closed and finally his body went limp. You remembered that he told his friend that he was gone so you had barely any time to change, but you made it.

You walked out of the ally way, hair hanging over you head. There was a lot of noise coming from one building in particular. A crowd stood outside, some with signs that said 'free Eren yeager'.

Way to make it obvious.

There was no way you would be able to enter the gate through the crowd. So you looked around to see if there was another entrance. It was as if it was your lucky day, because there someone was walking with a bunch of soldiers surrounding them.

Commander Hange

"Too easy" you scoffed and followed the group. Making sure it looked like you were a part of those guarding them. You entered the building and the Commander turned around to the you and the group of soldiers. "Thank you all, but I can make my way from here." They say.

"Yes Commander!" all of them saluted and you lagged behind a little. The soldiers started walking a different direction and you followed. Taking a few glances back. Until you were at a far enough distance to stop.

"You okay?" one of the soldiers looked back.

"Uhhh, yea I just need to use the bathroom", you said walking back the direction you saw Commander Hange walk.

'But the bathroom is this way', they thought.

Once you were out of sight, you open the door that was once closed and entered down into a basement like place. He further down you got, the clearer a voice got. You reached yet another door leaned up against it trying to hear what was being said.

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