Chapter 7

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Year 843

"Hey guys." You said with a small wave, the brown fabric covering half of your hand to where only your fingertips were visible.

Pieck was the first one to break away from her trance and ran over to you, tackling you to the ground while engulfing you into the biggest hug.

"Where the hell have you been?" Pieck spoke into your ear.

"Hard to answer a question when I can't breathe Pieck." You chuckled from underneath.

"Sorry." Pieck said as she got up and reached out a hand to assist you.

Before you could get a word out, you met the floor again but this time by the Galliard brothers.

"What the fuck y/n?" Porco sighed into your shoulder trying to contain his excitement from finally seeing his friend after being deprived of you for a month.

"Have you been eating?" Marcel looked down at you as his face filled with concern.

Will they let me talk!!

You sighed and used all your strength to push both boys off of you without a word. Porco fell on his side and Marcel landed on his butt in front of you. You got up on your elbows, and pushed the hair crowding your view back.

"I am fine y'all, my dad got promoted and we moved to a house right outside the area so there is no need to become a warrior for the money. Plus, my mom wants me to live a 'long life' for Kenji. I don't know what to say to your question Porco. And Marcel, yes I have been eating, I'm sick at the moment so my appetite is shot." You answered their questions one by one.

Marcel got up and reached a hand out to you to help you stand up straight.

"Are you telling the truth?" a voice came from behind Marcel. Only for you to recognize Annie's flat tone.

"I promise." You said, "But enough about me, I came here to congratulate y'all for officially becoming Honorary Marleyan. I'm sorry for not being able to visit sooner. My mom got a job and now you are looking at a full-time babysitter and...." You walked past Marcel and Annie to stop right in front of Bertholt.

You swung your arm around him and ruffled his hair with the opposite hand.

"I can't lie to you and say that I'm not jealous." you said.

"Missed you too y/n." Bertholt sighs at the sound of your voice.

"And how could I forget.." you made your way towards Reiner, stood behind him and jumped onto his back. "Hey." you casually say into his ear.

"H-hey y/n." Reiner blushes at the feeling of you pressed against his back, understanding why Marcel asked his question.

She is definitely lighter than before. Where has she been really?

"Sorry, I didn't tell you sooner. Taking care of Kenji is a bitch", you rest your head on his shoulder.

"Y/n what really is going on?", again the flat toned voice spoke up.

You looked up at Annie and closed your eyes while giving her a smile. 

"Annie, I didn't know you had a soft spot for me. I am touched", you teased as you put a hand over your chest.

She was about to say something back, but your watch started beeping obnoxiously.

"Oh shit, I have to go but, I'll be there for y'all ceremony. Don't miss me in the crowd." You hopped off of Reiner and headed towards the door.

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