Chapter 48

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Year 854

You didn't see it but only heard the transformation of the Armoured Titan. The only ones left were anticipating the next task as Kenji directed Falco over to the rear.

During that period Connie explained how all the previous titans are being used when you noticed the colossal titan. "Bertholt", you whisper.

  "There! That one! The pig or whatever that thing Is!', Mikasa shouts and points down. You squint your eyes trying to view what she is talking about. "Which one", you ask. Connie leans on to you with both of his hands on each of your shoulders, peering over you.

  "Which one of the nine would it be? The Cart- no.... the Beast? Possibly the Jaw?", she starts rambling. Your eye twitched as anger and annoyance started to build up.


  You didn't have to say anything as Annie, "Mikasa! You need to take this seriously!", you look along the back of the many bones trying to find anything out of the ordinary.

Until you felt Connie frantically tap on one of your shoulders. You hummed waiting for what he had to say, he leaned in closer till his face was right next to yours as he pointed to one specific titan that had the out of ordinary behavior you were searching for. "Only that one's running away!"

  "Wow an Okapi!", you gaze not realizing the words that were coming out of your mouth.

  "A what", Connie looks at you. You turn your head towards him and shook your head. "Yall corner it while it's still on the tailbone. I will try my best to take aim at the titans that attack you!", you shout.

  With that, they jumped off. From a distance you did what you could. Shooting at titans not for the objective to kill, but for the sole purpose of slowing them down.

Creating a gateway for all of them to get closer to the Okapi. Gabi and Levi squatted next to you while Kenji was playing as Falco's hype man and guide at the same time. However, the more you shot, the more titans that seemed to appear. "They just keep coming", you sigh.

  You reloaded your anti-titan rifle and continued shooting as many in the eye. It was inhumane how fast you were going and how accurate every shot was, not missing one.

Gabi watched in awe as you stayed silent, getting frustrated by the minute. It was times like this you didn't have time to think. You had to clear your head and focus on the task ahead

  Suddenly, one of the waiting titans that surrounded the bunch attacked Annie's leg. You pointed your gun to It making a direct line to the titans' nape. You could have easily shot and made it yet, you were worried about how the shot would affect Annie's titan.

This was the moment you hesitated; it wouldn't have been logical to shoot if it'd cause damage to the defense.

Do I cut off it's leg! Arms!....uggghhh

  When you tapped out and gave in to the leg option, you aimed and before you could shoot, you watched in awe as Bertholt's Colossal Titan, swiped away the titan that was attacking Annie's leg. "Did.... he just help? Bertholt..... you...", you internally smile at the thought of the still having a small hint of consciousness.

  Wait does that mean.... Marcel and Porco!

  You look up to the nape and couldn't see far enough to make out anything. The smallest bit of hope ignited itself back inside of you as you look back at the big upside down-hanging Colossal Titan swiping away at the small mindless titans.

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