Chapter 26

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Year 854

You stepped into the building Eren entered and followed behind him up the stairs. There was a guard behind him and he was going to be trouble as you pushed Kenji infront of you, holding onto the handcuffs.

You stopped once they stepped into the room and grabbed a knife from your pocket. You waited a couple seconds and checked your surroundings to make sure no one was there.

After confirming no one was around you gently pushed Kenji and he started walking up the stairs before you.

Eren's voice became clear as you stepped in. "Put out a distress call on the wireless. Something that will flush out any spies who've infiltrated the wall."

You saw Gabi sitting in a corner with her knees up and without any hesitation, took the knife that was in your hands and stabbed it into the neck of the soldier to your left.

Leaving it in his neck, you reached that same hand behind you to grab the gun that was in your belt. You pointed it at him and let go of Kenji.

"Alright. Don't move, and Gabi..... stay quiet".

"Y/n?", Gabi says as her eyes widen.

"Sweetie... shhhhhh", you put your lips to your lips and reached your into your pocket and grab the keys to Kenji's handcuffs and toss them to her. "Now, uncuff Kenji, and one of you grab the rifle."

"y-yes ma'am", Gabi stammers as she fumbles with the keys and uncuff Kenji. Once he was out, she crawled over, grabbed the gun and pointed it to Eren.

You turned back to with neutral expression. Your eyes moved down to see the hands in his pockets.

"The hands...... take them out", you pointed the gun to his pockets.

"And if I don't", he stared you down as you pointed the gun back to his head and put your finger on the trigger.

"Simple. I'll blow your brains out with no time for you to turn into a titan.", you glared at him."I got Kenji, and the only thing preventing me from giving him the life I want for him is you. Correct?"

"So, why haven't you fired? I've seen you back at your hometown. The way people talk about you, you don't hesitate in dire situations. If you aren't here to kill me, then what are you here for. What happens when I keep my hands in my pocket?." He started to walk towards you. You kept your feet sturdy, no change in expression what so ever.

"You won't be able to find out with a bullet through your skull", you say as he continued to walk up.

He stopped right as the muzzle touched his forehead, still staring dead into your eyes.

"You don't have permission to kill the Founding. Your orders are-" he started.

"Ah ah ah", you interrupted him, "You haven't done enough research on me Eren. My orders are to train the next warrior candidates. Outside of that...... I make my own rules."

"But-", you were about to say something but Eren started to walk forward again, making you move backwards until your back hit the wall and the only thing between you both was your arms still strechted out holding the gun.

"Do it then", he growled as his voice rose a little.

"Y/N!", Gabi yelled out as Gabi cocked the gun, ready to shoot.

This boy is difficult. Time for Plan B

You sigh, "Gabi....... take your finger off the trigger"

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