Chapter 6

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Year 843

You stepped into your apartment after a long day of training and a fun after session with Reiner. He bought you your favorite sandwich and debated on which is the best insect and why.

You argued bees because of their unique way of communicating through dancing while Reiner said ants because of how strong they are. Apparently, they can lift 20 times their own body weight.

He geeked on about what he learned through a book he found, and you stopped arguing and just listened to him. It was nice seeing him relaxed and smiling over something as stupid as ants.

Dad has to agree with me. Bees are ten times better!

You set your stuff down on the couch in the dark room and decided to get some water from the kitchen. However, the further you stepped into the apartment , the more audible a cry became.

"Kenji?' you call out.

There were some papers laid out on the counter and upon further inspection you saw shattered glass and water on the ground.

"Mom?" your concern grew at the out of normal scene and started towards the open door to your parent's room that was the only one to have lights on. Kenji's cries grew louder and louder the closer you got.

Nothing could have prepared you for what came next.

You peeked into the room and quickly ran over to Kenji who was crying on the bed. His eyes blood shot red indicating he had been crying for a while. Of course, you prioritized him first by shushing him and rocking him in your grasp.

"Kenji, I'm going to need you to relax okay and tell me where mom is?"

He sniffled and in between breaths tried his best to talk.

"Dad *sniff* is gone.... *sniff*." He softly spoke.

"Huh", you whisper to yourself.

Dad is gone. Of course, he is gone, he doesn't get off of work till later. Maybe he is just in shock. Mom probably broke some glass and startled him. He was never one to like loud noises. Speaking of Mom, where is she?

"Okay, can you tell me where mom is?"

He looked up from your shoulder and pointed towards the bathroom.

"She is in the bathroom?" you asked to confirm prior to him nodding his head.

"I'm going to go check on her, stay right here, okay?" he nodded his head once again understanding your words.

You got up from kneeling and headed towards the bathroom. The door was shut, and the light was on when you looked at bottom crack.

Stopping in front of the door, you put your ear against it to make sure you were not mistaking her for taking a shower but was met with silence as you took that as a cue to knock.



"Mom!" you raised your voice.

What the hell?

You tried to open the door, but it was locked and that was when you knew that something was wrong. Your mom was big on not locking any other door in the building except the front door just incase of an emergency.

You called out one last time and when no one answered again you told Kenji to cover his ears, took your foot and kicked open the door.

Your eyes nearly popped out of your head at the sight of your mom fully clothed in the bathtub surrounded by red water.



  Time has passed and none of your friends saw you at training. Porco tried knocking on your door a couple of times but, no one answered. His parents said that your dad still shows up to work and said that everything is fine and not to worry.

Reiner would still wait in front of your door in the morning to go get breakfast but no matter how many times he knocked, no one answered. They all assumed you moved but Reiner was not sure on why you would just disappear for no reason.

"Where do you think she is? They already picked out the Titans, and Magath already took her off the list of warrior candidates." Marcel said as he leaned against the wall to everyone.

"I don't know." Annie and Pieck said at the same time looking down at the ground hoping that wherever you were that you were safe.

They missed your smart remarks, your laugh, and smile.

Porco seemed to have clouded thoughts as he walked over to Reiner and shouted, "What did you do to get picked?! You were at the bottom of the list!!"

"Doesn't this just mean you were at the bottom. Pock." Reiner with a smirk, amused by the riled up Porco. He knew that no matter what Porco said, it wouldn't matter because he was the one holding the Armored titan at the end of the day.

Porco prepared to punch Reiner when suddenly the door opened. Reiner, Porco, Marcel, Annie, and Pieck all glanced at the door in confusion on who it may be.

Their mouths fell open as the one person who was m.i.for the past months walked through the door. Your (h/c) hair drooping over your face but, not entirely because your (e/c) eyes made there way on to each one of your friends.

You had a mask on, so what was once someone able to be read like an open book, turned to be a mystery. An oversized brown hoodie covered your body and loose pants made there way down to your ankles. It shocked the group to see the once familiar white armband on your forearm. The bags under your eyes gave away your condition but, what really stood out was your eyes.

Once filled with life and wonder, they scanned over the group with a dead expression. As much as you tried to hide it, they knew something was extremely different about you.


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