Chapter 18

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Year 854

Back on Paradis Island. Kenji, Gabi, and Falco were at first, put in the same cell. Until one soldier came in and grabbed Kenji to be moved into another cell.

As he was being dragged out Kenji yelled out to Gabi and Falco, "Don't worry about me, just try to get out of here."

  The soldier blinded folded him during the trip but it wasn't that long of a ride. Once he got there he noticed that it had a similar lay out to the one he was just in. Instead of three beds, there was only 1 in the corner. There was a sink placed up against one wall and right next to it a hole in the ground that he assumed was a toilet.

That's a small hole.

He walked up to the bars of the cell and tried to observe his surroundings.

Maybe if my cells looks the same. Gabi and Falco are not too far from here. Why did they move me into a different cell? They are so annoying.

Suddenly he heard a door open to his left. Kenji backed up to the back wall. Looked around and took off his belt as a last resort for a weapon. The footsteps got louder and Kenji made it out to be one person. Around the corner, a tall man walked in.

"You Jean", Kenji asked folding his belt so that it formed a loop.

"Uhhh yea" Jean looked at the kid. He saw the way Kenji held his belt and his stance. It was clear he has been trained to fight like the other two. But something about the way he was standing was different. It seemed as if he was looking around for anymore people.

He was careful with his movements, making sure that whenever Jean made a move, he followed. Like a cornered animal.

"Look, I'm not here to hurt you kid, just have a few questions" He sighed into his hand.

Kenji did not say a word, neither did his posture relax. He stared into Jeans eyes. Daring him to try anything.

"It has to do with your sister"

Jean noticed that right as he mentioned you, Kenji posture changed. The look in his eyes filled with rage.

"I'm not telling you shit" he growled through his teeth.

"How is she associated with Reiner?"


"Is she carrying another type of titan that we don't know about?"


Jean sighs as he realized that Kenji was not going to give him anything. This information was important. In their eyes, you were a mystery, the amount of time your name has been brought up around Reiner, Bertholt, and Annie scared them as you may be carrying a titan that will be another problem.

Zeke told them that you were another 'miscalculation' but didn't specify any further. How? Kenji saw how hard Jean was thinking and took this opportunity to mess with him.

"I'll tell you this, forget about Reiner, my sister is not one to mess with", Kenji walked over to his bed, smirking to himself at the sight of Jeans wide eyes and laid down on his bed, face up.

Jean was about to ask another question, but another soldier ran into the room. Kenji got up and moved to the same position. Belt in his hand, ready for whoever will come.

"Sir, the other two child prisoners escaped from their cell!" Jean tried to shut the soldier up before he could finish, but they were too much in a panic. It was too late tho, Jean turned his head as laughter came from the cell. There Kenji stood chuckling to himself.

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