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In honor of AOT Season 4 Part 2, I thought I would make this public. It's a continuation of the memory from Chapter 51 ( without "current Reiner's"perspective) that I had to cut it to prevent it from being too long. But I found it funny so yea...


Year ???

  "I'm sorry", he says once more.

  You didn't question it this time. There was obviously something that he wasn't sharing with you that caused him to apologize constantly. The hug lasted in silence for a minute.

  His face still buried in you neck and you raking your hands through his hair. However once it ended and you slowly pulled back, you saw tears that made a slight mark on his cheek.

  "Hey", you cup one side of his face and wipe off the remaining water mark. "Reiner I-", you started but he shook his head prolonging you from going any further. You didn't hesitate to stop talking and just nodded your head reassuringly.

The festivities that you predicted would arise again for the return of the warriors started back up and you could hear the music and cheering. You looked back and saw a bunch of people walking around.

  Some even noticing you and Reiner on the grass area. Them staring for a little in awe but others with children with no filter had them pointing and loudly asking if you were together.

You chuckled and turned back to Reiner who you though would find it slightly humorous or at least be looking in the same direction as you but when you looked back he was looking at you with a distant and sort of mesmerizing daze. You tilted your head to the side a little and that made him quickly snap out of it.

"So you plan on going to your mom?", you attempted to make conversation. But it didn't work as it seems he used up his social battery  from talking with you all night. So instead of verbally answering, he shook his head and looked back up behind you to the passing crowd.

  There was definitely a celebration going on as the smell of food filled you nose. You were too busy stressing over Reiners return that you had forgotten the last time you ate.

  "Are you okay", he reached his hand out and placed it on your waist and to that you instantly tensed up. It was just the sudden gesture that had you flinch but relaxed after you heard his voice.

To answer you hummed and nodded. He didn't take that as a real answer and turned you around.

You sighed  "You hungry?", you question.

  He was in the same situation as you with not knowing that last time he ate so it took no hesitation to answer, "Yea".

  "Me too...... so since your utechnically my guest, you get to pick if we get food from out here, or I fix something.", you perked up.

  He looked into your eyes and for the first time in a while, a soft smile appeared on his face. Out of desire and amusement. At this point he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to go back to his moms and perhaps stay with you but, he couldn't ask you that given Kenji was living with you. "I'm really trying to stay out of the crowd.", he honestly spoke while simultaneously pointing out the group of people with their kids starting to stop and stare on the verge of forming a crowd.

   "Good choice", you nodded and started off to your apartment. Along the way you heard whispers of the warrior and head of warrior training walking off together but it really didn't slow you down. Halfway there you ran into Tai who looked to you  and Reiner not even inches behind you. In fact, at his presence he noticed  Reiner tense up a little the farther the conversation between you and him went on.

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