Chapter 14

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Year 854

You walk out into the battlefield towards Reiner's titan as another soldier went for Porco.

The rubble nearly making you trip twice. The color red filled your vision. Blood splattered out everywhere. You had to push some bodies out of the way to prevent yourself from falling flat on your face. It was a normal sight, but this time something was different.

The smell?
Was it because for the first time since you've started working under Commander Magath...... you envied them?

You worked your whole life for Kenji and now that he is gone there is no point.

As you moved bodies around to make a step stool to reach up to the titan. A familiar face caught your eye. You leaned in and gasped out loud once you identified the dead body. The one that laid before had their head hanging on to their neck by a thread. Those eyes that you see in the mirror every day.

Your father.

Your eyes followed down his body that was mostly covered in ash and a wood piece stuck out of his chest. His arm stretched out to another body. A little boy who could be his twin. The same face shape, nose, and once again those eyes were now something all three of you had in common.

So, you went and had another kid huh.......

You scoffed as you lifted both of their bodies into your pile. They made the finishing touch as you climbed up to face of the Armor Titan. He was face up so getting to his nape required you to squat and go under the gap that was left. You stood and looked up to the nape area, let out a sigh, and said .

"Reiner I'm going to need you to help me with this."

The sound of you voice was all he needed to hear as a head popped out with steam surrounding it. His eyes were still closed as if he were unconscious as he hung upside down the titan muscles were the only thing keeping him from falling. The steam blew at you causing the cut on your face to sting a little.

You reached out to help him out but was only burned by his scortching skin. You continued to pull until his body fell on top of you.

You pushed his body aside and laid him flat on his back. Scanning over his body to make sure nothing serious, you slung his arm over your shoulder and pulled him up to his feet to start walking towards the clinic.

It was a silent walk. You figured that he passed out from exhaustion, but your assumption was wrong as the sound of his voice filled the silence.

"Y/nnn" he dragged out you name. He sounded in pain, but you did not feel bad. So, you stayed silent still dragging along his body.

"Y/n..... talk..... to me." He said, desperate to hear your voice. He knew you were mad at him but didn't know why.

"Reiner, if you have enough strength to talk, then you can walk your ass to the clinic yourself. If that isn't the case then shut up." You said harshly out of breath from handling his weight.

He didn't say a word after that.

You walked into the clinic. Immediately, two doctors took Reiner's limp body from you and dragged him over to the other side of the room.

His eyes opened and moved his head to the side to look at you.

Dried blood stained your face from your cut and your clothes were visibly damp, but he couldn't tell if it was from blood or water for they were black. He moved his way up to your eyes. The eyes that once had the smallest gleam in them that he hoped would get brighter as the time went on. But instead, what he saw were dead (e/c) eyes. Ones that showed no emotion or hope for any change whats so ever.

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