Chapter 20

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Year 854

After the meeting with Commander Magath, it was still day time and you walked into your apartment to relax as the next morning you were off to the island. Everything was ready so, you just laid on the couch wrapped in a blanket and eased into the cushions.

Without warning the front door opened.
"Don't kill me", you say muffled under the blanket.

You expected it to be Porco since he is always bothering you with something but, you felt somebody hover over you and lay their body on top while wrapping their arms around you. The pressure was not uncomfortable as it felt more like a weighted blanket.

"Reiner, Didn't I see enough of you last night", you whine. He chuckled and lowered the blanket from your face to kiss you on the forehead, "Well I will be deprived of you for the next week or two.... Do you want me to leave?"

You looked up at him and smiled. His eyes were slightly wide and his face expressed doubt. He knows your joking nature but, you still had so much power over him.

"No, I don't. But, can we just lay here.", you close your eyes. He relaxed and leaned down to kiss you on the lips.


You laugh. "How long have you been holding back on me?", you ask as you push on his chest slightly to where he looked down at you. He smiled as his eyes were filled with lust.

"Too long." He leaned back down and this time you gave in. You kiss him back cupping his face with your hands. It was intended to be short lived but, ended up turning more passionate. You both kept at it and before long both of your clothes were off and you ended up in your bed to repeat last nights events.


"Can I ask you a question?", you ask while putting on your shirt. He still sat on you bed, his back against the headboard, with nothing but his boxers on.


You got on top of him and sat on his lap,, straddling it with you thighs, "Are you okay?..... And please be honest with me."

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you to see if there was a joke hidden behind the question. He noticed how your eyes showed just a subtle bit of sadness in them. "Yea I'm fi-"

"I just told you not to lie to me....  you seemed.. distracted and I can clearly remember last night you had a completely different expression when I was you know.... ", you pull on his boxers,  "And now you looked like you were staring off into space. I'm trying hard not to take offense to that..... was it bad this time?"

He immediately reassured you, "No! I thought I told you that....." he saw how you relaxed just a little.

"Alright then, if it wasn't me.... then what's up." He opened his mouth to say something then closed it and shook his head. "Nothing"

Your mind was not letting you rest as another heart wrenching thought came to mind, "Then was what just happened now a form of a distraction for you?"

His eyes opened wide, "What? No..." You stared into his eyes tired of trying to read him. "I'm trying to be nice and bring it out of you the calm way but I can be brutal."

He saw your frown and didn't want to push you any further.  Still hesitant on telling you what's actually going on he sighs and decides to let you in to just the surface of his thoughts.

"I was just thinking about our surprise attack and I'm trying hard to convince myself that I really want to...... be here. I don't want you to get the wrong impression... I love you and would want nothing more than you spend the rest of my life with you but..... not like this.", he lowers his head.

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