Chapter 17

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A/n: Lemon (🍋) warning....
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Year 854

This time, you kissed back and swung your arms around his neck to mess with his hair. His lips were soft and he tasted like (f/d) and you could not get enough of it. You pushed your body against his as his tongue slipped into your mouth. He exhaled deeply as he tried to suppress a moan from the sudden contact. You smiled between kisses at the sound of his voice.

The fact that he couldn't control himself around you put butterflies in your stomach.

He took notice of your smile and was not going to handle the fact of him being the only one turning to mush. His hands moved under your shirt, running them up and down your sides. It caused you to shiver under his touch. His hands were cold and the contact felt nice against your overheating body. As much as you tried to hold it back, you moaned into his mouth. It was his turn to smile.

Before you knew it, you both were moving over to your bedroom to finally fill the sexual tension that has built up over the past months.

He gently lowered you on the bed, still connected at the mouth. As the kiss progressed, you felt a familiar warm feeling coming from in-between your thighs. It was waiting for contact and you couldn't help but arch your back, up against his area as indication of what you wanted as you moaned once again.

"Patience." He said between kisses before he started to kiss on you neck.

"Reiner....." his name escaped your lips as he hit your hotspot right under your collarbone.

He moved his way down before your shirt stopped his lips from meeting skin. He backed off and tugged on your shirt, looking at you waiting for your say. You of course nodded and he did not hesitate to move your shirt up and over your head.

In the moment he looked down at your body, observing every curve and mark that was apparent. You were embarrassed at the thought of him staring. It took no time before you turned your head to the side and closed your eyes just waiting for this part to end. He and realized what was going on and felt bad for not saying anything, but he truly was shocked by just how beautiful you were.

"You look so damn good." he reassured you.

This took you by surprise as your eyes widened and turned to look at him. He looked down at you and his face said it all.

He wanted you and it was taking everything inside of him to take things slow and 'prepare'. His eyes were still staring at your body, looking up and down with nothing but pure lust.

He went back in and slowly kissed down from you breast to your lower stomach, the sound of your moans were not ignored as his pants formed a tent. The feeling only making him grunt at the pressure.

One again you felt a tug on your pants. You looked down to see Reiner staring at your pants, one finger hooked in them.

Instead of saying anything, you reached down to pull your shorts as low as you could, he helped the rest of the way, your underwear following.

He teased you by kissing down your thigh, ignoring your wet core that was waiting for him. Moving from one thigh to another, he did the same thing. You had enough of the teasing and decided to take matters into your own hands. You were desperate.

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