Chapter 25

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A/n: More Kenji and Y/n dynamic

Year 854

After making sure Kenji didn't have any serious injuries. He told you what happened even though you said he didn't have to. Everything about Gabi killing one of their top Scouts and Niccolo about to kill Falco.

You were shocked to hear about the wine and how vulnerable he was to turn into a titan. Falco is still in the room with all the soldiers and Gabi is in a separate room with Mikasa and Armin.

"What happened to your fingers?", he asked while you had one hand out flat on the wall and the other turning the knob to peek through and see what is going on outside.

You stuck out your hand as to stop him from talking and saw that a bunch of soldiers walking out of a room with Jean and Hange in cuffs. One red head knocked on the door just across from you.

"We're going ahead", he turned his head in your direction and you quickly yet subtly shut the door to avoid any further commotion.

You turned to Kenji as he was sitting on one of the white tables swinging his legs.

"They got caught in a fence", you lied. "Now the soldiers cleared the hallway and walked off with 2 scouts, so I'm guessing those are the Jeagerist. If anything, that means Eren has already arrived and that room Gabi is in, he is in there too." Thinking out loud, you put a hand on your head trying to come up with a plan.

"Eren is in there with Gabi?", Kenji rose his voice, "We need to get her", he jumped off the table and started towards the door.

You stopped him by stepping in front of the door, "We can't just go rushing in there. Eren would not hurt or kill her knowing that she could be a reliability. If anything, I bet he plans to use her as a hostage.... If we go in there right now, we are risking her safety more than anything."

Kenji listened to you and relaxed. He backed up to where the table is and put his head down.

"You know Niccolo was only acting like that because he lost someone he loved.", he starts.

You pulled one of the chairs right in front of him so that when you sat, your back was facing the door. Close enough to listen out for any movement.

"He fell in love with one of their scouts and said that she turned him around to be someone who isn't a mindless soldier, but someone who found their passion......... you know Zofia wanted to run a clothing business? Whenever I went to her houses, we would always look through her sketches of shirt, pants, and shoe designs.", Kenji laughs at the memory,

"She would even try using me as a model and make some itchy ass scarf made from some material we got from her mom's room, matching with a hat."

You listened to what he had to say and getting a perspective on how he felt for Zofia broke your heart.

He really liked her.

"One day while I was modeling for her, she asked me that if the world was different, what would I want to be. It caught me by surprise because, I never thought about it. My mind was so focus on becoming an Honorary Marleyan that I never sat back and asked myself what I was passionate about......

.....I told her I didn't know but she told me I did. I was confused at first but then she continued and said that she noticed how interested I was about science. I didn't even know it, but she said that I would always ramble on about how the human body works, how the body defends itself, and even about different types of bacteria", his head was turned up but moved down to focus on you.

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