Chapter 52

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You slowly opened your eyes. At least tried to open your eyes as a bright light prevented you from doing so. Instead of using your sight, you groaned as you squeezed your hands into something.

A grainy substance filled your fist and you opened it up, feeling sand smoothly slide from your palm. You repeated the process with both hands before putting your palms flat on the ground and sitting up. The light was extremely bright to the point you were squeezing your eyes tight even with them closed.

  "Come on precious open your eyes", you noticed shade go over your eyes. There was a hand that cups your forehead and finally you were able to strain your eyes open.

Already recognizing the voice and pet name, before you squatted Tai. He smiles upon seeing your eyes while wiping away some of the sand that found its way onto your forehead.

You blinked a couple of times to see that behind Tai, the bright light came from a beam that was shooting from the ground. Covering the ground was not sand, but sure felt like it was you ran your fingers through it. "Hey Tai ", you say softly, still playing with the sand.

  Your body felt heavy, and you weren't sure if you would be able to stand, so instead you brought your knees up to your chest. It was a struggle keeping eye contact with him or talk for that manner.

  "Hell no!", you heard a voice come from behind you, the soft shuffle of the sand of someone heading your way. That same person grabbed onto your shoulders and spun you around.

  Porco crouched down to you and lifted your head. "She didn't die Porco...... she's just passed out" Tai said from behind you swiping some of the sand from your hair.

Porco sighed and saw the way you were looking at him. You had a frown on your face and your eyes were glossy. He tilted his head before him and Tai exchanged a look. "As long as she's happy my ass", Tai scoffed.

"Hey! All she needs to do is wake up and they'll be together." Porco scoots slightly to the side and sits down in front of you. "Look y/n, Reiner didn't die. Matter fact everyone is awake. Granted they are still processing every-"

"I'm not going back", you interrupt him. You were tired. Tired enough to be close to giving up. You believed everything Porco said but, giving what he said, when you wake up, it would only be the beginning of another decade of hell before things actually started turning around. "I'm done..... the rumbling is over with."

They stared at you like you lost your head. However, you ignored their gazes and stared out into the empty scene in front of you. "But what abou-"

"Reiner will be fine and Kenji's with your parents.", you flatly state.

Without letting them answer back, you attempted to stand. You struggled a little swaying slightly but, finally enough to start walking away from them. They called out your named, followed, you, and even tried to pull you back. 

Each time you refused to acknowledge their pleads. The longer you walked, the more consistent they got meaning you were walking in the direction away from consciousness and that was a sign that you were going the right way.

Getting fed up with their constant begging, you stopped and let them catch up. "L/n"

  Your eyes widen as Magath's voice came into the clear. Turning around you were met with not only Porco and Tai, but General Magath was next to them. The more your eyes wondered, the more you got a glimpse of everyone that had a special role in your life.

"Marcel...?", you whisper as you look down at a 12-year-old boy who shared similar features to Porco but, not entirely. He didn't say anything but nodded as you walked up to him and squatted down to his height. He stared at you in awe, "Wow", was all he managed to get out. You chuckled as a tear just ran down your cheek.

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