Epilogue 1

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1 year later....

Looking down at the crib, you tilted your head. Once to the left, then right, then back to the left. Analyzing and breaking down every feature of your 7 month old infant who was innocently sleeping.

He was wrapped up in an grey blanket, with his head facing the pile of small stuffed plushies that laid in one corner. However, his favorite (a cloud), was wrapped in his fingers. For some reason, his tight grip still was consistent in his sleep.

  It took a while to put him to sleep, longer than usual, and when he finally knocked out, you were on the verge of passing out yourself.

He couldn't  sleep without the curtains being open. Something about the moon interested him, to the point, that when you try putting him to sleep, you have to face him away from any window. Otherwise he will just look over your shoulder gauwking at the moon, a bird, anything interesting that could be found in the sky.

  "Stop doing that", Reiner whispered. His voice came from the entry and you turned to him. His hair was wild looking and he was in nothing but black boxers and a thin white shirt. His voice was laced with sleep as if you weren't the only one on the verge of knocking out.

He yawned when coming up to you and stood behind you to wrap his hands around your waist. His gaze landed on the sleeping infant too. He rested his chin on your shoulder and you stayed silent. You squinted your eyes and thought about it.

"Are you sure he's mine", you whisper. Reiner huffed and squeezed your waist. This was the third time he's caught you staring down at him while he slept. But for a good reason....

"I mean, all I see is you when I look at him. Your eyes, nose, ears, even the way he sleeps is similar.", you stretch your hand out. "All I can say is that his hair is like mine. Not even in color, he just has my hair texture."

Reiner chuckled it sending a vibration down your spine. "Is it such a crime to have our child look like me in a way."

"No but....", you cross your arms, "9 months of carrying him, 17 hours of labor......... just to share one thing with him. I fed him for the first 4 months of his life from milk, that I developed from my body....", he rose an eyebrow, "Just saying... it wouldn't be surprising if someone who didn't know I was married to you mistook me for stealing him."

  He squeezed your waist again and stood up straight behind you. He gently placed his hands on your shoulders, "But he acts like you.... he may have my color eyes but, the way he looks at people, that's definitely you. And let's not mention his smile, his laugh, and how smart he is. He signs for what he wants, so it's not a challenge to figure it out."

A yawn came heavy, and you tried blinking some of the sleep that came in a wave. Reiner tilted his head and called your name. You hummed and turned your head to the right, so he was in your peripheral vision.

He leaned and kissed you on your forehead, "Common, we can argue on if he is really your child tomorrow. It's the only day we both have off on the same day. Ok?"

"alright", you mumble. That was his cue to turn you around and direct you out of the room. He was about to shut the door behind him, until a grey Chartreux cat heard the sound of the routine door shut and jumped down from her cat tree and ran to wedge her way through the crack of the door.

Reiner knew your cat was always ready to stay in your child's room for protection so, he knew to wait for her entry. You were already crawling into bed and tucking up under the covers before he came in and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Reiner", you say with your eyes closed. He hummed, already half sleep.

"Can we tell them to come by later in the afternoon, instead of in the morning."

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