Chapter 39

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Year 854

Once you got there, your assumption was wrong as everyone was up. You were trailing a little behind Reiner so when he was the first to show his face you heard Annie, "What do you think this is... a honeymoon?"

"Annie...", you rose your voice, not wanting to deal with the comments. You gave her a death stare before coming up next to her and grabbed one of the boxes to assist with loading the wagons.

Reiner didn't say anything, just silently going about with putting the blanket in the wagon beside you. Everyone could read the atmosphere and tell that something happened between the both of you but not what Annie implied.

You noticed that Jean was back as he walked towards the wagon. He was clearly avoiding eye  contact with you on purpose, so for that reason alone you waited till he got close enough to hear. "I thought we got over this", you sigh and forcefully grab the box out of his hand. "You know with the 'I hate y/n' phase......"

"Huh", he stood tall in front of you. His voice having a low to high pitch effect.

You poked his side, "I even heard you were concerned for my well being. Your still an ass but, Thank you." Once again he went from looking at you to the side. His jaw clenched as he took his hand and placed it on the top of your head, spinning you around to face the wagons.

With a swift push on you mid-back he directed you,  "Stop flattering yourself, I still don't like you."

"Ooooo so I'm thinking best friend bracelets! My favorite color is (f/c). You look like a 'I like red because it's a mans color', type of guy so we can work on that. Orrrrr we can come up with funny nicknames.....", you continued on as he gradually pushed you to the wagon. It was all to get on his nerves but surprisingly he played along.

He stopped pushing you and you tilted you head back to look at him. His stoic face soon turned to an offended expression, "My favorite color is green."

Your mouth opened slightly before you turned around. "That was my second guess"

He scoffed as you averted your gaze to the three kids still knocked out not to far from you. Jean noticed and looked at them, the guilt starting to crawl back into his mind for hurting Gabi.

"Go give her peace of mind that your still willing to fight with us. She wasn't taking that unanswered question well last night", you softly say. He gave you a slight nod before heading over to them.

"Wake up, it's time to go.", he gently placed a hand on her shoulder to wake her up. Falco seemed to open his eyes at her movements. But of course, Kenji didn't budge.

"Hey, do you mind putting this away...", you walk over and hand Reiner the box that you took from Jean. He hummed and took it from you. You felt that him avoid eye contact with you is his way of distancing so you just let him.

You walked up to Jean and Gabi having a moment and softly smiled at her realizing Jean will be helping. She looked at up you as you crouched down to Kenji and winked. "I told you"

They got up and now it was time to pick up the last of the blankets that Kenji was occupying, "Get up", you patted his head and he just groaned turning over.

You all didn't have time to deal with his slow waking habits so, you just removed the blanket and scooped your arms under him to lift him up. You walked over to the wagon and laid him in it while Jean gathered the blankets.

"He'll wake up eventually", you shrug, and Connie chuckled. "Need some help", he walked up to the where the water carton was and nodded towards it.

You smirked, "I like you", you walked up beside him and grabbed a teacup from one of the open boxes and filled it ¼ way with water. Using that, you leaned over and splashed the water in Kenji's face. He perked up instantly and wiped the water from his face.

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