[ 2 ] first day back

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                      THE first day back at school this year just so happened to fall on Aspen's birthday.

Normally, she'd curse the universe for damning her to such a miserable way to celebrate, but she was dreading her seventeenth anyway.

She didn't know what was going to happen to her today, but she had a feeling it wouldn't be good.

Right from the get-go, she seemed to wake up feeling unwell. She had a pounding headache from God-knows-what, and she already felt like a dark cloud was looming over her the second her eyes fluttered open.

But then she switched on her phone on her bed side table, seeing hundreds of happy birthday messages from her boyfriend, instantly putting a smile on her face.

She scrolled through her notifications and saw some texts from Allison, Lydia and Isaac too.

She pried herself out from under her covers, stumbled over to the bathroom in her tired state, washing her face and brushing her teeth.

She got herself dressed for the first day back at school. She threw on a pair of her jeans that were way too big for her, just tightening them up with a belt. She tossed on a ACDC t-shirt, and threw one of Stiles' flannels over it. She laced up her Docs, threw her newly-brown locks into a high-pony, and got ready to bang on Scott's door, knowing he was most likely still asleep.

She left her room, walking down the corridor to knock on Scott's door, expecting to have to drag him out of bed, but she was pleasantly surprised and shocked see his door was already open, and not only was he fitting some morning exercise in, he was reading a book at the same time.

She took advantage of the fact he hadn't noticed her presence yet to catch a glimpse of the title of the book, feeling very smug as she leant again his door frame when she noticed he had picked up one her all time favourites. He must've stole it from her room.

"How're you liking Mr Darcy then?" she ended up startling him with the sound of her voice, making him fall off of the bar he was exercising on, falling on his bedroom floor, dropping Aspen's copy of Pride and Prejudice.

Aspen started snorting with giggles as he let out a grunt as he made a loud thud on his bedroom floor.

"Give a brother a warning next time, yeah?" Scott winced, picking himself back up.

When he stood back up, he gave the Carter girl a wide grin, knowing what special day it was.

"Happy birthday!" he said enthusiastically, engulfing her in a massive Scott-like bear hug. She wriggled her arms free out of his tight grasp to hug him back.

"Thanks." she sighed as they let go.

"You seem a little glum for a birthday girl." Scott spoke, "everything okay?"

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