[ 48 ] the rules of the nogitsunes

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gonna warn you guys, this chapter has a lot of info to process, I hope it's written in a way that's not confusing, but basically what I'm saying is— pay attention , bc it's all about to kick off basically , queue the drumroll . . .


                                  THE NEXT MORNING when Scott got into school on his motorcycle, he was immediately approached by both of the twins— the two of them declaring that they were going to keep an eye on Scott all day after last nights e...

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THE NEXT MORNING when Scott got into school on his motorcycle, he was immediately approached by both of the twins— the two of them declaring that they were going to keep an eye on Scott all day after last nights events—as the Oni, as they will soon learn the name of, were looking right at the true alpha before they disappeared along with the sunrise.

As he was grabbing some things from his locker, he needed to get both Ethan and Aiden away from him, as Stiles had texted him earlier in the morning that he needs to speak with him about something urgent—and he did not want the twins to be there for a serious discussion.

"Okay, one thing first." Scott began to explain, "I need to talk to Stiles and let him know everything that happened last night—without you."

"No!" Ethan scoffed in disagreement.

"Yes." Scott said back bluntly, "And I don't want you listening in. No wolf-hearing."

"How would you even know?" Aiden questioned skeptically.

"I'm a True Alpha—" Scott said proudly, "you have no idea what I can do."


A couple minutes later, Scott found himself walking into the chemistry classroom along side a very sleep deprived Stiles, sans the twins who he'd managed to get rid of for the time being.

"So then, she starts talking about phosphors, and the key having chemicals on it, right?" Stiles explained anxiously, "And so that made me think of the chemistry closet, and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in..."

Stiles stopped in his tracks when his eyes laid on the chalkboard—noticing the coded writing had been wiped off, removing his evidence.

"It's gone..." he muttered to himself, then turning around and walking back towards the closet at the back of the room, "Okay, it doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter. I've still got the key—"

He rummaged through his key chain, trying to physically show Scott what was happening so that he sounded less crazy and more believable—but his face contorted in confusion when the phosphorus-stained key was now removed from his bunch.

"...What the hell?" Stiles muttered, not understanding how everything could just be gone. He was here only a matter of hours ago—it didn't make sense.

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