[ 51 ] a message to pass along

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                          AFTER his urgent and worrying phone call from Stiles, Scott was quick to grab Isaac and make their way to Stiles' house, in search of anything they could use to catch a stronger scent

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AFTER his urgent and worrying phone call from Stiles, Scott was quick to grab Isaac and make their way to Stiles' house, in search of anything they could use to catch a stronger scent. He didn't know exactly who Derek meant when he said he would send help of his own, but he'd find out soon enough.

When Isaac and Scott practically ran into Stiles' bedroom, they were met with a concerning sight, along with Lydia and Aiden.

"How did you know?" Scott said to them both, "Did he call you, too?"

"I heard it." Lydia replied,

"Don't ask— it gets more confusing when you ask." Aiden then said to Scott.

"Okay..." Isaac muttered under his own breath.

The four concerned teenagers turned to look around the room, all of them staring at the evidence of absolute insanity surrounding them. The red string that was once attached to the freckled boy's crime-board, was now spread throughout the room, each piece of string attaching itself to something different.

"Not as confusing as this." Lydia sighed with worry, then proceeding to explain, "He uses red for unsolved cases..."

"Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case?" Aiden suggested.

"Or is an unsolved case?" Isaac added.

"There's something else," Lydia said abrasively, turning to the other three,

"It could be insignificant, but... when he told me about which colours of string he uses for each stage of his investigations... he mentioned that Aspen had helped him come up with it. I may be overthinking here... but what if— by using the red string, he's trying to send us a message?"

"What sort of message?" Aiden spoke, being a bit more clueless about Aspen's current state than Isaac and Scott, "A message that this has to do with her? With Aspen?"

Scott, Isaac and Lydia all exchanged knowing glances, all three of them knowing at this point that there was something going on with the teenage girl— something more than a flip of personality.

"Hold on— is he still out there?" Lydia spoke up suddenly in confusion, "You don't know where he is?"

"He said that he was in an industrial basement somewhere..." Scott told her.

"We came here to get a better scent." Isaac added.

"What else did he say?" Lydia asked, needing more details.

"Something's wrong with his leg—" said Scott, "it's bleeding."

"And he's freezing." Isaac added on.

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