[ 50 ] what is this, an intervention?

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                           WHEN Aspen regained consciousness, and her darkened fatigued eyes fluttered open— she immediately recognised where she was

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WHEN Aspen regained consciousness, and her darkened fatigued eyes fluttered open— she immediately recognised where she was. She recognised the wooden beams, the slate floors, and the ceiling-high windows.

She was in Derek's loft.

A few moments after she familiarised herself with her surroundings, she quickly realised that her hands were immobile— tied up behind the back of the wooden chair, along with her ankles.

She chuckled darkly to herself, and then lifted her head up fully to meet the two pairs of eyes of the men stood in front of her— each of them stood with their arms folded over their chests. She smirked deviously, biting her inner cheek.

"Really?" she scowled, "what is this, an intervention?"

"Clearly not," Ace replied with a glare, "since we're not really talking to Aspen now, are we?"

The tied-up brunette chuckled hoarsely, her darkened eyes glaring into those of the men in front of her.

"Technically you are..." she replied, laughing in amusement as she saw the looks on their faces grow confused. "She's watching, you know. In fact... she's constantly screaming for a way out."

Ace's eyes immediately shone up with the icy blue, as he was about to make a charge at the demon in his sister's body, but Derek held out his arm to Ace's chest, holding him back. Ace turned his head to frown disapprovingly at the Hale man, and then reluctantly held himself back.

"You know what's funny?" the restrained brunette spoke up again, a look of satisfied amusement on her face.

"What?" Derek snarled, "What about this is funny?"

"The fact you think something as simple as rope is going to restrain me," she spoke deviously.

She then tried to wriggle her arms out of the restrains, tugging and tugging at the rope which she should've been able to escape from without hardy lifting a finger.

But she couldn't— in fact, she couldn't remotely budge from the rope, and that instantly wiped the smirk off of her face, replacing it with a look of utter confusion and anger.

"Except..." Ace said smugly, stepping forward and crouching in front of the chair she was restrained to, "those aren't just ordinary ropes."

The paled girl snarled at Ace, still desperately trying to break free from the holds, but failing.

"These..." Ace said torturously, pointing to the ropes, "have been laced in the same shit I poisoned you with to get you here. Lupus Venenum Daemonium... it's very rare. I managed to get my hands on a limited amount back in New Orleans, might've had to kill a guy for it, but you know..."

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