[ 27 ] change is a good thing

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// I recommend listening to Trouble by Valerie Broussard

It's been two months since Aspen Carter left Beacon Hills.

A lot can happen in two months.


The brunette walked through the New Orleans market, eyeing lots of jewels, rings, clothes— anything that caught her attention. Her brother and father were off torturing some poor innocent beta, like they did most afternoons, which left her space for her free time.

What did she like to do with that time? Basically, anything that the old Aspen wouldn't dare to.

She caught an eye of a clothing stand not too far away, that was selling all sorts of leather goods, more importantly—a jacket much like Aspen's old one. She waltzed on up to the store, picked up the garment and put it on. The old woman who was running the stall gave her a delightful smile, one which Aspen did not return.

"That will be sixty dollars, sweetheart." the old lady told her, making Aspen look up from her jewellery covered hand, to greet the woman with quite the glare.

"Sixty dollars? Really?" Aspen scoffed rudely, taking the woman aback slightly by the young girl's attitude.

"I— well— yes," the woman replied, "It's real leather, you know."

Aspen rolled her eyes with disinterest in what the lady had to say, as she adjusted the jacket sleeves so it fit her just right. It was a tighter fit than her old one— but she still liked how it looked. She looked at herself in the mirror, taking in her new look— the Doc Martens (the one thing she took with her from Beacon Hills), the black leather mini skirt, and now the jacket.

Her hair was shorter now, cutting it was one of the first things she did when she got to New Orleans. Ace and Deucalion insisted on jumping from town to town, but when they arrived in this town just under two weeks ago, Aspen requested a longer stay. New Orleans was always somewhere she wanted to travel to.

Her brown locks were now darker too. No longer the light auburn shade it once was, now it was a dark chocolate tone, pretty close to being black. She liked the new change, in fact, she was determined to change everything.

She turned around to wear the grey-haired woman was frowning at her, probably because of her attitude, and then— without even thinking, Aspen just walked off with the jacket still on.

"Young lady!" the woman yelled, "You have to pay for that!"

Aspen ignored the woman, she knew there was no way she was going to catch up with her if she tried to chase her down.

She flicked her now-shoulder-length hair behind her shoulders, as it flowed with the breeze, smirking victoriously to herself.
Petty-theft may or may not have become a hobby of hers.

She heard some more voices calling after her, referring to her as 'young lady', but she simply picked up the pace of her confident strut, and wound in and out of the maze of market stalls until she eventually got far enough away until she lost them.

As she was walking through the New Orleans market, she passed many other stalls selling all sorts of goods. She passed a candy store, and with one swipe of her hand, picked up a cherry-sucker without even stopping. Again, she heard the typical 'you have to pay for that!' calls, but ignored them as she continued to strut through the town square.

She unwrapped the cherry sweet, sticking the sucker past her dark, blood red lips, before pulling the same stunt on another stall selling sunglasses. She grabbed a pair with another swipe of her hand, and placed them on the bridge of her nose.

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