[ 32 ] under one condition

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song for the chapter - trouble by valerie broussard (yes, again)


              THE TOTAL CHAOS that rooted from the threat painted on the wall of lockers eventually died down, some students whispering their conspiracies of what it meant and who had done it, others freaking out, and some just ignored it.

Scott and Stiles though, they were frozen in place as they stared at the bold, red writing.

It didn't take a genius for them to know it was the newly returned brunette who was responsible for the ambiguous threat— what they couldn't figure out is why she had done it, or what the hell the sentence meant.

After their moment of stand still, both boys' heads snapped in the same direction, both of their eyes locking on the Carter girl who was around the corner, watching the whole scene that just took place with a devious smirk.

Stiles and Scott turned to each other for a brief moment, both wearing the same worried expression, but when they turned back around to the brunette they were meant with empty space.

Her sudden disappearing snapped them out of their daze, both of them pacing in that direction to catch up with her until they were storming out of the double doors.

As they ran out of the school in such a hurry, their eyes landed on the dark-haired girl— who was approaching a vehicle neither of them had seen before.

A pristine black motor-cycle, with accents of red down the side of it.

Aspen climbed onto it, completely aware of the two pairs of familiar eyes watching her.

Her black duffle-bag with all of the money she had brought with her was attached to the back of it. As she slipped into the seat, getting ready to put the gears in place, she took a moment to look up, chuckling to herself as she watched the two boys running across the car park towards her.

But before they got the chance to, she sarcastically sent them a salute-gesture, before revving the engine on and quite literally leaving them in the dust.

"Since when did she have a fucking motor-cycle?" Scott exclaimed, turning to Stiles with wide eyes.

"Can we really be surprised by anything at this point?" Stiles answered with a sigh, before they both rushed over to the blue jeep— ready to quite literally cause a car chase between them and her.


Aspen laughed to herself when she heard the sound of the jeep in the distance, not caring in the slightest that the boys were following her. She expected an interrogation for the stunt she'd just pulled, but if they wanted to interrogate her, she'd at least like her living situation sorted first— which was why she was on her way to find an apartment somewhere that she could crash in for however long she planned to stay here.

Moving back in with the McCalls now seemed... inappropriate.

But first she had to get there without being overtaken by the boys, and with their difference in vehicles... she wasn't too worried.

Just for some valuble entertainment though, she didn't fully reach the maximum speed that her new motorbike could go to if she wanted it to.

Right now, she was driving down a quiet road near the preserve, smirking as she heard the Jeep's engine not too far behind her.

Meanwhile, in the Jeep, Scott and Stiles were simultaneously freaking out and conspiring.

"I refuse to believe thats her," Stiles spoke in denial, "Nope— nopedy no way! Maybe she's been posessed or something— or maybe body snatched? What if she's like— trapped in someone else's body! While some freaking heartless son of a bitch is trapped in hers—"

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