[ 55 ] trick, after trick, after trick

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                             LAST night's hospital power out had ended up escalating to more than just a few flickering lights. Multiple innocent town civilians had gotten caught up in the cross fire between the nogitsunes and the woman who dared to make them angry. The car park had turned to a pool of electrifying currents, to which after enough damage had already been done, Kira Yukimura was able to tame the electricity with her powers that even she didn't understand yet.

Unfortunately, Isaac had been one of the innocents who had fallen to fatal injuries when he stepped foot in the electrifying puddle. It was in an effort to protect Allison Argent, which then got him wound up in a hospital bed. And ever since, no one had heard a single word from either Stiles or Aspen.

"Have you been here all night?" the McCall boy asked the brunette huntress who was slumped on a hospital seat just outside of Isaac's room.

"Yeah..." Allison said with fatigue, "they won't let me see him because I'm not family. I told them he doesn't have any..."

From beside Scott, his mother, Melissa, seemed appalled at the situation. She frowned her brows, and spoke "Well he's got us—and I have a key card."

A couple moments later, Melissa had unlocked the door to the Lahey boy's room and the two teenagers approached the door with nervous looks.

"Be quick," Melissa told them softly before leaving them to it.

Scott and Allison exchanged a glance, the two of them just trying to seek any comfort possible in their current situation—and finding it in each other like they always had. They may not be together anymore, and they may never be again—but they'll still always be each other's happy place. Or as Aspen had always said and believed— soulmates.

"I thought he'd be healing by now," Allison spoke solemnly.

"So did I."

"Is he in pain?" Allison asked as the two of them laid their eyes on Isaac who was unconscious and hooked up to an Iv in a hospital bed. Scott got closer, so he could place his palm gently on Isaac's arm, then seconds later—his veins began to run black with the pain he was taking.

"It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain," Scott explained, his veins soon turning back to normal. The McCall boy and The Argent girl looked at each other once more, this time with more pained looks in their eyes.

"Did she really do this?" Allison asked in a voice so quiet it was nearly a whisper, and it didn't escape Scott how Allison had avoided even saying her name in the sentence.

"Whatever's controlling her did it," Scott replied with a similar tone of voice, he then paused for a long moment, pursing his lips, before he continued,

"Allison?" he spoke again, and the huntress swallowed a lump in her throat, nodding her head in acknowledgement, "Do you remember what you said to me on the phone that day?"

Allison nodded her head but stayed quiet, recalling the day they all found out what the Oni were, what they wanted, and who they were looking for.

"You said there's two of them... didn't you...?" Scott added, his voice filled with dread as he tried to deny the facts that were displayed right in front of him.

"Yeah..." Allison replied lowly, "Okami and Void..."

"And you said something about how one can't exist without the other?"

"Yeah, Void can't exist without Okami. Okami's the—more powerful one." Allison said at nearly a whisper.

It was basically public knowledge to everyone in the circle that the host Okami had possessed was Aspen. As much as everyone didn't want to believe it, it was obvious. There was no denying it, it wasn't possible anymore. But it seems Scott was the first one to begin to put together the rest of the puzzle, as he then voiced his thoughts to the Argent girl.

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