[ 6 ] the truth will come out eventually

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"Long time, no see!"

Just as Ace uttered those words, Cora and Boyd bolted out of the vault, most certainly setting out to destroy everything in their paths.

"Scott, go after them!" Derek yelled, not having broken the tense eye contact he held with the man in front of him, the main who he once claimed was like a brother to him.

"You heard the man, Scotty!" Ace shouted, not breaking the eye contact with Derek either.

Scott, despite knowing about Ace being alive, was still shock-stricken to see the man in the flesh.

"But Derek-"

"Just go!" Derek cut him off, baring into Ace's eyes like he was murdering him in his mind.

Scott hesitated, sparing one long glance at his best friend's brother, frankly churning his nose up in disgust from what he had heard about him last night, and then reluctantly ran after Cora and Boyd, leaving Derek to deal with Ace.

"You know, Derek..." Ace spoke, pacing slowly around the vault with his hands behind his back, "I've been imagining this moment for quite some time now..."

"Why are you back?" Derek asked with a clenched jaw, "After all this time, why now?"

"You don't even seem remotely phased that I'm alive, brother."

"Don't call me that."

"Ouch." Ace said sarcastically, placing his hand over his chest in a dramatic fashion, "You mean we're not brother's from different mother's anymore?"

"We never were." Derek spat.

"Well that's not exactly true, is it..." Ace raised his eyebrows, "You and I used to be like those damn Salvatore brother's my sister was obsessed with. Fell for the same girl, ended in tragedy and what-not."

"Don't talk about her."

"Who, Paige?" Ace cocked his head to the side, finding comedy in the whole situation unlike Derek, "Have I hit a nerve?"

"Stop deflecting, Ace." Derek sneered, "What the fuck are you doing back here?"

"Right, right..." said the dirty blonde, "Well, there's quite a few reasons, if I'm honest. Do you fancy a list?"

When Derek didn't answer, shooting later-type glares into Ace's eyes, Ace chuckled, and continued.

"Firstly, Deucalion wants a couple things. You're one of them, does that make you feel special?" Ace faked a pouty face as he teased his former best friend.

"He wants me in your pathetic little pack?"

"Oi, watch it!" Ace pretended to be offended, shooting his hands up either side of him, "You don't wanna be callin' a pack of alpha's pathetic now, do you?"

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