[ 3 ] a birthday to remember

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE you're making me go to someone else birthday party, on my birthday!" Aspen complained to her boyfriend, who was dragging her and Scott to Heather's party.

"Heather's super nice, okay?" said Stiles, "you can make it like a joint birthday thing."

"We must be thinking of different Heather's then..." Aspen muttered under her breath, but loud enough to cause furrowed brows from both boys either side of her.

"What does that mean?" Stiles asked, it wasn't defensively, more like he was genuinely curious as to what made her say that.

"It means that girl hated me back in kindergarten," Aspen whined, "seriously, she was like freshman Lydia, if not meaner."

"She was also four." Stiles countered whilst trying to hold back a laugh, "besides, I seem to remember the two of you getting along just fine."

"Yeah, that's when you were around." said the brunette with an eye roll. "I think she had a massive crush on you as well."

"Listen," Stiles said calmly, stopping in his tracks on the pavement, making Scott and Aspen come to a hunt as well, "it'll be fun, I promise, okay? And if you really wanna leave, we will."

Aspen looked up at Scott who looked like he was getting on board with a party tonight, and reluctantly, she gave in to spending her birthday at someone else party.

"Fine." she said, faking a pout of her lip as Stiles smiled at her.

The trio began walking again down the sidewalk, as Heather's house came into view, hearing the loud music and rowdy voices.

Then, out of nowhere, another piercing pain hit Aspen, like your average migraine times one hundred.

She squinted her eyes shut in reflex, which the two boys didn't notice.

She was worried about the random headaches she'd been getting all day, and even more so when she looked up at the dark night sky, seeing the full moon gleaming.

Unlike before, the piercing headache didn't fade after a few seconds, but she didn't want Scott and Stiles to worry about her.

"You guys go on in, I'll be in in a second." she spoke, making both of them turn around and look at her funny.

"Why, what's up?" Stiles asked.

"Nothing," she said, "I'm just gonna...." she tried to come up with something that would buy her enough time for her head to stop it's burning sensation, "I'm just... gonna give Jackson a call, okay? I need to yell at him for the whole tattoo debacle."

"Do you really have to do that right now?" Scott chuckled, lightly confused.

"I might forget, otherwise." she said convincingly.

Scott and Stiles shared a glance, before turning around, seeing a sarcastic smile on her face, otherwise known as her resting face, and figured everything seemed fine.

"Okay..." Stiles hesitated with narrow eyes, "Uh- tell Jackson I said hi, I guess."

"Will do," Aspen replied in a rushed voice, "see you in there."

She turned her back to them, digging her cellphone out of her jean pocket so that they'd believe she was making the call, then listened as she heard their footsteps walk away, and then heard the door open.

Once they were inside the house, Aspen let out a wince of pain as the headache she was feeling didn't fade.

She felt like her head was about to explode.

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