[ 43 ] missing the twin flame

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                                           IT was a couple periods into the day that the group finally clocked the Aspen had made the decision of school:optional, today

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IT was a couple periods into the day that the group finally clocked the Aspen had made the decision of school:optional, today. While Scott and Stiles stood by their lockers conversing about a certain new girl that Scott may or may not have a crush on, Allison Argent and Lydia Martin were not too far away as they stood at their own lockers, with a slightly different conversation topic.

"Are you okay?" Lydia asked the Argent girl, sort of out of the blue, making Allison furrow her eyebrows coyly as she looked at the redhead.

"Yeah, course," said Allison, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're quick to forget how good I am at being able to tell when you're lying," Lydia said softly with a comforting look.

Allison shook it off, plastered on a fake smile as she shut her locker and turned her body to face Lydia.

"I have no idea to what or whom you are referring to," she replied, but Lydia wasn't buying the act she was selling.

Lydia let out a sigh, as she worked out in her head the most sensitive way to talk about this. This was a topic she wasn't too keen on either, it was hurting her also. But she knew it had to be eating away at Allison at least a thousand times worse.

"You know..." Lydia began, "You're allowed to be hurt, you're allowed to be mad at her."

It went without saying who 'her' was referring to. Aspen was Allison's twin flame, the both of them knew that pretty much the second they had met. Unlike the beginning of most friendships, there was never that awkwardness between them, there was never any need to try too hard. It was like they were both meant to meet, like they had been roaming the earth for sixteen years but only felt complete once the other was in their life.

It was a platonic love that Allison had been praying for her whole life. With her parents making her up and move every year, changing school to school without ever really having a constant in her life, Allison never truly had the chance to have a real best friend— yet alone a second half like Aspen Carter.

Lydia is someone she'd call her best friend. She was the type of person she could spill her guts out over girl talk, vent to each other about their problems, always be available for the other when needed. Lydia was like a bandaid.

But Aspen was more like the rubbing alcohol. The one that made her wounds sting, but she knew whenever she was around, she'd eventually get a permanent peace. Aspen was the one that could take away any pain and make her feel whole again.

Aspen was the other half she'd spent her whole life in search for.

And without knowing the full story— she now couldn't help but feel abandoned.

"I'm not mad at her," Allison spoke softly, but unconvincingly.

"I'm just saying," said Lydia, "You're allowed to be. In fact— anything you're feeling right now is valid, even your need to keep your distance from her, now that she...."

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